Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Creation Stories

The Little Leaf


Once upon a time, there lived a big, beautiful, very tall tree. It was exceptionally higher than most of the trees surrounding it. At the very top of this tree there lived a beautiful, perfect green Leaf. This Leaf was considered to be the luckiest one of them all, for it was able to view a much larger and glorious sight than all of the other leaves could. Other’s admired it with a feeling of jealousy and discontentment, while it prided itself to be the best of the best.

Then one day something happened that changed its life forever. The weather began to change, the temperature dropped, and so did the Leaf. As it fell down, passing all of the other leaves including its friends and family, the Leaf landed with a sudden shift of feeling inside, with an emotion it had never experienced before: sadness. The Leaf thought to itself “Why did this happen to me? I am supposed to be at the top, the highest of them all, I do not belong here on the ground, I should be up there!” The Leaf then looked around and could see nothing but twigs, dirt, and very large trees and bushes. A feeling of loss came over the Leaf, a loss of family and friends, of sight and beauty, even a loss of self. While living with this feeling of loss, unhappiness, and loneliness, the Leaf began to open its eyes to the beauty and awareness of this amazing and beautiful situation it was in. It began to see the oneness in all living things, that everything is equally as beautiful as the other. Suddenly that unfamiliar emotion of sadness shifted to another never before felt feeling of gratitude.

At this, something amazing happened! Suddenly the little Leaf’s friend Wind picked the Leaf up, and it flew higher then it had ever been before, reaching new heights and broadening its sight, understanding and awareness. As it saw new views and sights of nature, it was reminded that everything belongs to the creator, and that they are all one. The Leaf then finally felt yet another unfamiliar feeling of freedom.


The End


This story illustrates the spiritual awakening of an individual. Many people living today are trapped within themselves and their egos, rather than viewing life from a higher, more spiritual, and much larger perspective. Often times, when human beings are put in a situation that causes sadness or frustration, it eventually will lead to feelings of revenge and control. This will eventually build up unaware fear and often times people will only suffer instead of trying to help, grow and overcome that pain that they have built up inside. These people are trapped within their feelings and emotions, and they are blinded by their own fear from the awareness that we are all one and equal in nature. But when human beings view these painful situations from a much larger perspective, they might recognize our oneness, or experience gratitude and forgiveness, and they might even find self-love and learn to accept themselves. They will help themselves to become free of fear, pain, and suffering. This was the journey of the little Leaf, and I believe this can be accomplished with the aid of Mother Nature.

Anastarr Ricketts

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