Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

where i spend my time


January 15th, 16th, 18th

I’ve spent sometime in the gardens reflecting. I love bird watching and just sitting in the Longhouse gardens. Watching the plants interact with the wind and the sun, and even with myself. I wrote a bit in my journal and drew as well. I decided to make flash cards of most of the plants so it will be easier to retain their names and families. I also want to figure out how to make rope from shrubs and tree bark. It fascinates me what mother nature has given us so accessibly, yet we overlook and ignore it. I can’t wait to go the see the sayuyay garden!

3 hours logged on three different days.

I met up with my group at school. We got to know one another and then broke down the areas we would be working on and where we wanted to work. There’s quite a few people in these two sections. I like all of them, we are all different, but bring interesting points of view and experience to the table. I think it’s going to be a great year!

1 hour logged.

Accumulative: 4hrs

Last Thursday January 24th, Anna, Adam, Alix, Meg and I went out to the Skokomish Indian reservation to survey the garden and work on restoring/prepping the beds for the spring. We pulled out a few alder trees in order to free up some space and also because they would have created too much unneeded shade. We gave thanks to the alders before removing them, and later pulled off some of the smaller branches for various art projects and whittled down some of the bark to use later for tinctures. The whole experience was enjoyable, from the trip getting there to the gardens themselves and also the presences of souls before us helping us nurture the plants surrounding us. The whole experience was magical. With the help of my fellow students I’ve decided to spend the majority of my time on the sayuyay garden project and a little time on forest a. I really feel draw to not only the plants and area the sayuyay gardens encompasses, but also the people in the group. I feel that I’ll be learning quite a bit from Alix, Adam, and Anna as well.

I logged 4 ½ hours on that day.

Accumulative: 8 ½ hrs

We have talked a bit about back out to our site- though we have not actually set up a day yet. We need to find a good day for all of us. i can't wait to get my hands in the earth out at the sayuyay gardens. I want to make a list of all the plants in my bed (digestive) and really do a good job finishing the information on all of them. I don’t yet have any handouts for the space either. Anna and I discussed getting a few this from you, from former students, and I need to make copies of handouts the others got before I joined the sayuyay site project. We should be meeting soon.

0 hours logged for this week so far.

January 31rst, 2007

I met up with my classmates from the Mixed Forest A project. We all took some time chat and catch up with each other/get to know each other. It seems we all are feeling the same way about the class, which is that we are all enjoying it. We also took some time to discuss some site materials and my fellow naturalists caught me up on a few things I was feeling behind in and we all headed to class. It was a short little meeting but a good use of time and communication. We also discussed the site project a bit. I am really enjoying the diversity of the two groups. Suzanne really is very good at keeping people on track and making sure we are all on the same page. This is a trait I feel my other group lacks at time. I’ll have to be sure to talk to the group about this and look inside myself for the answer.

Total time logged: 1 ½ hours

Accumulative: 10 hrs

February 4, 2007

Adam and I met up this morning at the co-op at 9:30 hungry and ready to start our day. We bought some yummy tummy pleasers and headed back to my casa where shortly there after we met with Alix and Anna. Over the next several hours we filled our bellies as we discussed our hopes, concerns, thoughts, plans, and feelings about the class, our project, the site and the garden. We found ourselves in concurrence over a few issues which we were able to clarify, and really get down to business. We all also voiced our frustrations about not getting to spend as much time as we’d like to over at the sayuyay garden. In fact anna and I decided to go over for a bit on Tuesday afternoon. I want to spend some time just sitting and enjoying the plants. I want to make a list of the plants that are supposed to be in the bed in order to replenish the digestive bed. We also talked about our site work and the kiosk. Later that afternoon we all helped Alix move a few things into her new house. We were all able to spend some time out in Alix’s yard which is most inspiring. In fact when I returned home I couldn’t help being excited for the coming days. I grabbed a rake and started cleaning up my own leaf drowned yard. It was great to see all the grubs, caterpillars, spiders, worms, and other buddies I found hanging out among the leaves. It felt great to rejuvenate my yard while rejuvenating my soul. All in all it was a glorious sunday!

Total time logged: 7 hours

Accumulative: 17 hrs

February 6, 2007

Eagle tree! My partner took me out to eagle tree yesterday because he’s been telling me about it “for days,” which in slang means a good while. This particular tree is just outside the evergreen campus acreage and sits an astounding 300 feet tall even without the top of the tree which has been rumored to have been hit by lightening not once, but twice. The walk out to eagle tree is pleasant if not picturesque, though the last windstorm has toppled several enormous trees leaving a wrecking yard of protruding roots in which one has to climb and crawl under to continue the journey. The base of the tree sneaks up on you with a Ent like magic quality. The first visible branches on the tree are about 50-60 feet high so making an assumption as to the feel, shape, and cones of the braches impossible. Anna and I tried to use our knowledge of trees to identify this giant but alas gave up and just enjoyed the sheer beauty and magnitude of it. While making our journey back Anna and I identified different trees that had fallen, cedar, grand fir, alder, as well as licorice fern, salal, Oregon Grape, and several mushroom varieties. All in all it was an amazing time, and experience. I love the people in this class! I figured because it was in the essence of our garden that this journey was spawned, I’d add it to my logged hours. I can’t wait to get my hands dirty tomorrow at the garden!

Logged hours: 2

Accumulative: 19 hrs

February 8, 2007

Today I woke up feeling tired and groggy and going to work outside seemed like the last thing I wanted to do. Alas, I got out of my funk, picked up Anna and headed to the Sayuyay garden. The weather was chilly here in town, so we could only guess how it would be father north. During the trip Anna and I of course discussed many different topics, but also about the work that lie just ahead. Once we got to the garden we were greeted by the cutest little squirrelly puppy, who’s name is unknown. He and Mic seemed just as excited to see us as we were to see them. The garden was quiet today, the sun seemed to peek over the hills all morning to say hello. Anna and I found working in the beds a huge comfort. We shared dreams and loves, and family stories about gardening experiences, life experiences, and of course plant knowledge. It was all in all a perfect morning. I got to focus on the digestive bed. Once I cleared away all the old leaves and weeds the bed looked great, and I fell in love with the bed to the west of it. I found nodding onions full of love waiting to be brought out of the weeds. We also found some lemongrass. The combination on smells was intoxicating. We both left with dirt on your pants and smiles on our faces. Yeah!

Hours logged: 4

Accumulative hours: 23



My partner and I were very lucky to be able to attend the Bureau of Land Management’s ethnobotany conference in Reno Nevada. We met with and listen to several Native Americans from the area. The tribes native to Nevada are Paiute, Shoshone, Northern Paiute, and Washoe. There were also speakers from the not so distant Calaveras county; the Miwok Native Americans. We listen to stories and about how they are preserving traditions. We learned about seed gathering and about lands and plants that are being misused and destroyed. We also learned how a bow is used and made. There were several woman with baskets and brushes they had made by hand. One woman told me about how to make a soap brush. She had two brushes, one for cleaning baskets and one for hair. My father told us about several plants that were gathered in Nevada that can be used for medicinal purposes and for eating. All in all the gathering of information and peoples was amazing. I was very glad to have been able to witness such an event.

Hours Logged: 6

Accumulative Hours: 29




Sunday the 18th.

Anna, Alix, Adam, Rafael, and I met up at Anna and Rafies house and headed over to the Sayuyay garden site. The day was a bit rainy at first and we all were excited to go but were a little worried about the weather. By the time we arrived, as with every time before the weather at the gardens seemed to be gentle and calming as if the garden gods knew we were coming to give your hearts to that place. We began with an overlooked bed just to the east of the four major beds. It was covered with decaying leaves and plum full of horse tails. A few of us began pulling out the horse tails and the rest of the crew raked leaves and found the calling of jobs half finished. Adam started clearing paths ways by clipping back branches, alix found a section that was particularly calling her and anna was moving all of the accumulating debris. The five of us worked and talked and really appreciated the beautiful day. Later I began clearing the pathways and beds of large branches that had fallen from the storm. We all worked hard and the garden really began to come together. It was nice getting so much work done all at once. I also found a passionflower start at the small country store down the road. I think I’ll purchase one on my next trip. Our front yard would be beautiful with the bright white and purple flowers growing against the house. I can’t wait to feel the sun beating down on my back, the spring breeze whipping my hair a bout my face. Spring is here, deep within our hearts, and under our finger nails. We all had luch together and spent the day enjoying each others company. I love these people!

Hours Logged 5

Accumulative Hours: 34



Anna, Alix, and I met up at Alix’s house to do some work on our group project. We worked from 9- noonish. We were able to be creative and expressive and got a lot done.

Hours logged 3

Accumulative hours: 37



Adam, Alix, Anna, and I decided to give ourselves a break this past Sunday and we worked on our group project and on our creative spirits. We wanted to go to Sayuyay, but it is very expensive to drive up there are in light of the trip to seattle which was also expensive we decided to stay in oly and work on our group project. This project is top secret and so that is all I’m sharing.

Hours logged: 3

Accumulative hours: 40




I went out to Sayuyay one last time. It was beautiful as always. The day was magical with several plants and flowers blooming. My partner and I brought the dog and played as we took in the day. The recent rain brought all kinds of goodies for Moksha, the dog to find. Our trip was to appreciate our surroundings, the weather, and to take photos for the presentation. There is much work to be done still at Sayuyay, but or labors are apparent. The nodding onion is flourishing after we weeded the soapberry bed. The trails though in need of further restoration are more inviting and the kiosk is still in need of new legs. Alas, Sayuyay is beautiful, and taking it last sleepy breaths before waking up for a long beautiful year.


Hours Spent 1


Accumulative hours for this quarter: 41


ciara wolfe

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