Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Brandi Stone

I am a sophmore, it is my second year here at Evergreen.

My favorite things are icecream, bubbles, fire,and smoke.Of course i love the outdoors.

My creation story


                                                Why the earth is round


            Once the world was flat. People stayed isolated in villages apart from one another, not knowing of other village locations or even if they existed. But the village people were fulfilled to live with their people and their ways, not knowing of any other way. They had no need for travel, everything they needed to survive was in the village. And no one knew what was beyond the village so it was not safe to wander off. Stories were told of people who had stepped off the edge of the earth into the great unknown abyss never to be seen again.

            There were no rivers carrying news or fish from other lands. The blck birds that lived on the trees surrounding the villagers were the only birds the people had. Seen. The birds sat in the edges of the woods surrounding the village all year long, cawing and squawking as if to warn not to leave. Every villager was content with the way of things and felt no need to dream of a different way. Everyone, except for one boy. He couldn’t help but wonder if there might be some other way full of possibilities not even dreamt yet. The wind blew only in one direction and every time the boy let his dreams, ashes, hope, and energy out with the wind, he couldn’t help but feel that something was missing. Why did nothing he put out ever return to him?

            It seemed to him that if the plants live and die, coming and going with the seasons, why shouldn’t people or animals? Over time he grew restless and discontent and yearned for change. Finally he decided to do something about it. He decided to venture out into the great unknown to try to find the edge of the world. He asked the black birds if they would accompany him on his mission and help be his eyes. The boy and the birds traveled many long days and nights, walking gingerly, afraid that at any moment he may fall off the edge of the earth. He dragged his stick deep in the dirt the whole time, trailing it behind him. This way when he was done, He could find his way back home following his own trail. The stick worked considerably well, digging a deep trench behind him.

            Finally they reached the edge of the earth. The boy sat and meditated staring off into the blackness wondering what could be done to change the flat earth that led to nowhere. “Shouldn’t everything be connected?” He thought to himself. “ I want to go but come back again. I want to wander freely. What goes around should come back around, not just fall off into meaningless blackness. What can be done?”

            Finally he thought of a solution. He tied his stinging nettle string to the edges of the earth and tied the other ends to the birds claws. He then told the birds to meet him on the other side of the earth. Because the birds were black, they were used to darkness and could see better. He told them to fly into the unknown and meet him on the other side of the earth. He told them their act of bravery would benefit everyone and they would be able to travel wherever they wanted without fear when he was done. The birds were feasrful but they trusted the boy so they did as told. Finally they reached the other side of the earth where the boy stood. He thanked them profusely and quickly tied the strings from the birds into the earth. As he tightened the strings he brought both sides of the earth together connecting them with a giant seam. This is how the earth became round. The seam holding the earth together was bumpy and rough, the earth pushing up against itself forming mountains.  The trail he made with his stick became rivers, the waters following the course he took. The black birds showed all the other animals the path they had taken, and now every year many animals ritually travel the same course in memory of the brave birds.


            The earth being round, so that things can come and go, symbolizes karma. What goes around comes around. Other values of bravery and virtue are also conveyed. Independence and individuality are qualities shown in my story. Having the heart to follow your dreams…and believe in yourself.


Brandi Stone

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