Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Weekly Log

IN TOTAL : 22 hours 


Spent one and half hours in Marja's backyard taking out blackberry roots and spreading leaves.

Worked on project presentation by setting up the online pages and continuing research on wetlands. Two hours. 


Researched wetlands and set up structure of project presentation. One hour 

Spent more time on plant monograph using new sources and formatting data into the monograph outline. About two hours. 


Worked researching in library for plant monograph. Spent two and half hours finding sources and taking notes. 

Ingrid and I met today to work in the library setting up our presentation page and researching wetlands a bit. We also spent time at the Longhouse collecting plant material for our presentation as well. All together we worked for about three hours.


Met Ingrid at her house to compose a more in-depth plant list, including descriptions and uses. We used a number of Ingrid's books as well as the internet. We decided to split up the plant list so that we could each focus on less. My list is still in progress. We met for about two hours.

Spent an hour and a half composing plant list [sitework] in the library using internet and book references.


Spent solo time at my site to brainstorm ideas for work to be done and taking a look at the plants more closely. Now, as I have begun to identify plants on my own without the help of my partner I thought it would be a good time to observe the space alone. I spent about an hour at the site.


This Saturday Ingrid and I met at the Longhouse to finally compose a site map. We measured our site and plotted out where all the plants and trees are. We then posted it online with a site description. This took around two hours [an hour at the site and an hour in the lab].


Ingrid and I met at the Longhouse for an hour and a half to spend time identifying plants in our habitat section. We found a number that we knew and took the time to study them and become familiar with the ones we were not as knowledgable on. We found that we did not have all the resources we would have liked to map out our portion of the garden and hope to achieve that soon.



This Friday Ingrid and I met for about two hours to discuss what we had in mind for our garden space at the Longhouse. The time spent together consisted mainly of throwing around ideas and brainstorming. We plan to spend more time with our space to get more concrete plans for the future.

Katelyn DeCecco

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