Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Weekly Log


Anna Thirkield
Spring 2007
Sayuyay Project Log

Thursday Feb 29: 11:30-3:30/ 4 hrs
I invited my partner and best friend to visit the garden and volunteer some time working. They happily came along and we enjoyed one of the first beautiful warm sunny days pulling weeds, mostly in the culinary bed and the path surrounding it. It was wonderful to share this place with two people who mean so much to me
Total: 4 hrs

Sunday April 8, 10-12:30/ 2.5 hrs
This was the first time up this quarter with the whole group, Alix, Adam, Meg and myself. It was great to see all the new growth. After introducing myself to the plants recently sprouted, I worked mostly in the culinary bed. This was my first trip up having found out I am pregnant, so it was a very special formal introduction for my little one. I am grateful to have known this place and to be able to share.
Total : 6.5 hrs

Wed April 18, 9-12:00/ 3 hrs
Adam and I worked together on this day, weeding again, always coming to a more intimate understanding of the plants we remove, and the plants we make room for.

Thursday April 19 12:30-6/ 5.5 hrs
My partner had left town for the weekend earlier in the day, and I had this beautiful and sunny day free to do with it whatever I chose. The sunshine was beckoning and I couldn't resist heading north to the garden. On my way there, as I was nearing the exit for the Squaxin Island Museum, I felt a strong calling to visit. I had always wanted to go there, and this day was the best chance I'd ever had to do so. It felt like a very special occasion. A butterfly danced around me as I walked to the entrance and I notedly enjoyed the Tall Oregon Grape Blooms, bees a-buzzing in them. Spring was here! I was the only visitor to the museum at the time, so I had the whole place open to the solitude and peace I was already feeling. I enjoyed so much reading the stories, photos and art of the many communities bound to this area of the sound by many many years of poignant history. I was moved to be sharing my experience of this with my little one. Upon visiting the gift shop, I found 2 CD's of music and storytelling by Bruce and Vi. I was so happy to see them, my familiar friends and teachers. I knew that they were meant to accompany me on the rest of my journey that day. I bought them both, happy to support the museum. I left and headed further north. I began listening to Bruce singing traditional songs. The rhythms felt so familiar, and I found myself quickly singing along. As I neared closer and closer to the garden and Bruce's home, it felt so sacred to be hearing his music. I pulled into the driveway and slowly turned off the car. I let the birds take the place of the drums and voices, and entered the garden. I wasn't called to manual labor that day, but I enjoyed sitting and feeling connected. I lay on the bench in the center of the garden and let the sun sink into my skin. Upon leaving the garden, I felt called to visit the River. I sat there for a long time, being with the water, letting go of worries and sinking into the sand, letting the sounds wash over me, renewing my sense of being. I know these activities weren't standard procedure, but this was what I felt capable of that day, and it felt very genuine and meaningful to me.
Total: 15 hrs.

May 3 1-4 p.m./ 3 hrs.
I drove up to the garden alone this day and brought my new camcorder to record the springs happenings. I spent a while at the river, catching the movement of the water, the skunk cabbage and the salmon berries. Then I visited the garden, and took footage of all I could see that was blooming or in an interesting state of growth most notably the Camas. I documented about 40 minutes of footage in total.
Total: 18 hrs

May 6 10:30-3/ 3.5 hrs

Adam and I drove up to the garden. this was one of the most productive days we've ever had. Something just flowed and we were able to accomplish a lot. We cleared the paths of weeds, and I worked diligently on weeding the Soapberry bed. This is an area that I enjoyed very much in Winter quarter and it felt good to continue to nurture it. I was amazed at how many weeds had grown into the space, and after 40 minutes had only cleared about 1/3 of it; its delicate work keeping the nodding onion in that area safe from my weeding hands.
Total: 21.5 hrs

May 8 9-12/ 3 hrs

Another day of weeding with Adam, followed by a refreshing visit to the river.
Total: 24.5 hrs.

May 28 1-5:30/ 4.5 hours

: A beautiful afternoon visit with Adam. I worked mostly in the culinary bed. This area I feel particularly close to. I have been the main caretaker of this bed since our first visit in the fall, and I'm always happy to be with it. While the weeds are always returning, it seems clear that this area has been looked after, and it warms my heart to know that I've had the privilege this last year.
Total: 29 hours

June 1, 7-8 pm/ 1hr

Activites: I organized, and titled my photographs to give to Adam for our presentation. Unfortunately, I had technical difficulties with my video footage and wasn't able to submit that.

Total: 30 hours




DATE: Thursday January 18

TIME: 11:30-12:30/2-2:45

ACTIVITIES: Visited 25 different websites related to procurement/native plants and requested new catalogs from many of them. I Kept a list of where i had visited and what was important to note about each site. I used the resource list in "Renewing Salmon Nations Food Traditions" by, Gary Paul Nabhan as a guide as well as the Washington Native Plant Society Source list from 2003 which I updated when needed.

LEARNING: This was a great way to familiarize myself with these websites and companies, as I plan to go into more detail in the future. It's been inspiration to see how many organizations there are devoted to native plants and restoration work!



DATE: Wednesday, Jan. 24

TIME: 8 am-2pm

ACTIVITIES: Alix, Meg, Adam ,Ciara and I met bright and early to drive up to Skokomish. When we arrived, we surveyed the damage to the kiosk and discussed what would be the best way to repair the damage in the short and long term, then we reaquainted ourselves with the plants, and discussed our feelings and shared knowledge with eachother. We met in the circle, and set the intention to pull out the Red Alders that were volunteering themselves. Meg shared her dreams of Red Alder, and we discussed the metaphor and deeper meaning that Red Alder brings to us. We then gathered in in a circle around the firts 2 alders to pull out and sent out love, respect and intentions to remove them from Skokomish and learn to make medecine from them. We worked at that first spot and then found another big patch of new volunteers and pulled those out too. Meg dug up some Yellowdock as well. We then packed them and the tools up in the car and headed back to Olympia. We dropped Adam off at work, and the 4 of us girls returned to my house to start preparing the alders to dry and make medecine. We taught ourselves how to skin the outer bark, discover the inner bark as it turned color, and shaved off as much as we could from what we had gathered. We shared a tea made from Dandelion, yellowdock and burdock. Later that night, I cleaned the Yellowdock Meg had gathered and cut it into smaller pieces to dry. I also made a poultice from the red alder to use on my knee that was aching and it releived the pain and felt euphoric and glowing for about 45 minutes. This day was a wonderful day of working, collecting and preparing medecine.




Date: Thursday Feb. 8

Time: 8:45-12:00

Activities: Met with Ciara and drove up to Skokomish. On the way up we discussed the new addition of the Plant Info booklets, our future plans and action list as well as the site introduction. Upon arrival at the garden, we found ourcalling for the day and started working. Ciara made the digestive bed look beautiful and well cared for, clearing debris and weeding. I began the process of clearing the edges of the Prarie bed. Then we worked together on clearing the small bed just west of the digestive bed which is home to several soapberry bushes as well as nodding onion, fireweed and lemongrass (we think). It really feels like Im now able to see clearer what needs to be done in the garden, rather than feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to take action.

Learning: Gained familiarity with nodding onion, fireweed and soapberry identification, as well as another opportunity to dig in and get my hands dirty!

Cumulative Hours:11


DATE: Saturday Feb 10

TIME: 4:30-5:00

ACTIVITIES: Adam, Meg and I met with Dylan to discuss progress with the Cedar procurement and milling possiblities. We surveyed the site for the sister garden and shared ideas.



DATE: Sunday Feb 1

TIME: 1:30-5:00

ACTIVITIES: Met with Adam and Meg and drove to Skokomish. I cleared the south and east beds of weeds, and trimmed back all leftover growth from last season. I continued to clear the West Soapberry Bed and protect as much of the nodding onion as possible. Adam and Meg cut down the big alders growing the berry bed, which was great to see. We also trimmed back the Lavender that was growing over onto the sitting bench. It was raining and quiet, I felt contemplative and glad, for most of the time, to be working in the rain.



Date: Sunday Feb 18

TIME: 10-2

ACTIVITIES: Met with Alix, Ciara and Adam and drove to Sayuyay. We cleared a berry bed east of the sweetgrass bed, cleaned up fallen limbs from the forest trails, pruned and pulled up alot of horsetail.



DATE: Wednesday Feb 21

TIME: 8:30-4 (only claiming 2 hours)

ACTIVITIES:Anamaria and I assisted with counting plants for the annual thurston conservation disctrict native plant sale. Gained familiarity with many conifers, shrubs and deciduous trees in the smallest baby forms. Had nice discussions with the staff members about conservation work, and tidbits about the plants themselves.



DATE: Thursday Feb 22

TIME: 9-12

ACTIVITIES: Met with Alix and Ciara to discuss our project work and final presentation. Came up with some very creative and deep ideas related to our experiences in the garden, with the plants and with eachother.



DATE: Sunday Feb 23


ACTIVITIES: Met with Alix, Adam, and Ciara to discuss and prepare our presentation. We came up with several ideas related to a movement/drama oriented production, and discussed theme ideas. We unified our feelings about what our deepest collective experiences were in the garden this quarter and discussed how to present them through metaphor.



DATE:Monday Feb 24


ACTIVITIES: Met with Alix on campus to use the photo lab. We surfed the internet to track down photos of the plants in the north, west , south and east beds at sayuyay ( that were legal of course). We planned on using them for our presentation, and for future references.



DATE: Friday March 9

TIME: 8:30-12

ACTIVITIES: Met with Ciara, Alix and Adam to finalize plans for our presentation We worked collectively on the ceremony to dedicate the land for the sister garden and welcome the plants spirits to the site.



DATE: Saturday March 10

TIME: 8-9:30

ACTIVITIES: Met with Ciara, Alix and Adam to gather Cedar boughs from some fallen limbs near my home. We gathered them thoughtfully and then traveled to the the Longhouse sister garden site to lay out the outline for the garden beds.



DATE: Sunday March 11

TIME: 12:30-2:30

ACTIVITIES: Met with all group members to finalize plans for formal presentation, Ciara and I were assigned to work together on the powerpoint presentation. I organized photos taken at sayuyay, and labeled them all.



DATE: Tuesday March 13

TIME: 3-6

ACTIVITIES: Met with Ciara to create the powerpoint pesenation.



DATE: Wednesday March 14

TIME: 4:00-5:30

ACTIVITIES: Met with Ciara and Alix to finalize powerpoint and rehearse our presentation.



DATE: Sunday March 18

TIME: 11:30-4:30

ACTIVITIES: Met with Adam and traveled to sayuyay. We met Craig at noon and discussed our plans for the repair of the Kiosk. Adam and I dig post holes while Craig left to go get the Cedar posts from a nearby clearcut. When he returned, we troubleshooted the plans, to adjust to the situation, and after removing the bark from the cedar buried and cut the new posts, and cut them at an angle to prop up the kiosk. The repair went well and we are all happy with the results. It was great to talk with Craig about his work and experiences. He walked with us around the garden and shared some great stories about the plants and about subiyay. He gave us some good ideas for work that needed to be done. After Craig left, Adam and I continued working, removing more alders, trimming back some vine maples, and weeding the western coltsfoot bed. Adam and I had some great discussions and life, society and gardening, it was a great day.










DATE: Monday October 9


ACTIVITIES- Met with Sayuyay Sister Garden Group at TESC and drove to Gifts Garden for the first time. We discussed our initial ideas and reflections on the drive there. Upon arrival, we introduced ourselves to the garden, and navigated our self-tour using the map we were given. We recorded what the plants we saw growing in each and recorded all the infor on the signs posted around the garden. We Discussed what we all knew about the plants we saw. We discussed our response to the trip on the ride home.



DATE: Wednesday October 11

TIME: 4-5:15

ACTIVITIES: Met with Alix at the Longhouse site for the sister garden and wokred on site description.



DATE: Thursday October 12

TIME: 4-4:35

ACTIVITIES: Began Research Online of the medicinal plants from the first aid/respiratory/muscular/skeletal bed at the sayuyay garden. Created a template to record information about the plants. Will continue this project until all plants in the bed are researched.



DATE: Monday October 16

TIME: 4:30-6:00

ACTIVITES: Attended the Campus Land Use Committee (CLUC) meeting reguarding the sayuyay sister garden development to observe the proceedings and represent student interest in the project



DATE: Thursday October 19

Time: 1-2:30

ACTIVITIES: Met with Sharon and Alix to discuss the direction of our group work. Decided to follow the groups interest in the spiritual background of first peoples, as well as continue the study of each plant included in the garden. Shared our ideas about the project so far and set the collective course for the next weeks individual work.



DATE: Sunday October 22

TIME: 12:30-3:45

ACTIVITIES: Began first days of community service work at the gifts garden at Skokomish. Began clearing of weeds in the culinary bed, and redefining the boundaries of the bed. General plant ID and invasive species ID. Saved the roots of yellowdock and burdock for medical use. Gathered with other classmates to discuss our experiences and shared ideas in circle.



DATE: Monday October 30

TIME: 8:00-12:00

ACTIVITIES: Picked up group-mates and headed to the Gifts Garden. Finished clearing dense weeds from culinary bed. Harvested some overgrown Comfrey root, will clean and dry it and give it to Marja.



DATE: Monday October 30

TIME: 5-6:15

ACTIVITIES: Researched herbal medecine and traditions of the tribes of the pacific northwest to assist the sayuyay garden group project. Found a stack of great books to pour over and a few videos.



DATE: Wednesday November 1

TIME: 3-5

ACTIVITIES: Resaerched plants from the East Bed of the Gifts Garden



DATE: Thursday November 2

TIME: 3-5

ACTIVITIES: Internet and Book Research for plants in the east bed



DATE: Friday November 17

TIME: 7-9:30 pm

ACTIVITIES: Hosted a meeting for the sayuyay sister garden group at my house. We discussed our research, and the direction of our groups presentation. We watched 2 films. One was an evening of Lushootseed storytelling by Vie Hilbert and the other was an exploration ofNW coastal tribes and culture from a very disturbing perspective. The movie focused on the logging "resources" of the areas and the fact that much of the tribal culture was lost to modern mankind's ways ( as if it was a good thing- a sign of progress). We discussed our shocked emotions and disgust.



DATE: Friday November 24th

TIME: 11-1:30

ACTIVITIES: Explored the Wapatki Pueblo Ruins north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Visited 3 ancient Pueblo sites and learned about the building techniques, farming practices, traditional foods and native plants and medicines. Found it easy to synthsize this learning with the perspectives and knowledge Ive gained from the Earth Blanket and wokring at Skokomish, to look at all ecosystems in a new way.



DATE: Saturday November 25th

TIME: 3-6:30

ACTIVITIES: Took a guided tour of Monument Valley Tribal Park on the Navajo Reservation along the Utah/ Arizona border. I took along my Plant Guide Books and did some ID with the help of our guide, Gabriel. I had a lovely introduction to Navajo culture and visited some Anasazi Ruins from 1500 years ago. I kept my eyes and mind open, observing the ecosystem and plantlife and visualizing what life would've been like there before modern ways took over.



DATE: Friday Dec 1

TIME: 7-12

ACTIVITIES: Met with sayuyay Sister Garden Group to finalize our presentation, discuss our research and post together on Drupal.



Anna Thirkield

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