Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Personal Plant Project

Drawings- See journal Site Description  

Size: Approximately 30 ft deep by 40 ft wide

Shape: Rectangular

Topography: Flat

Slope: Little to no slope

Exposure: approximately 5 hours of sunlight at this time of year (February)

Soil Characteristics:

                        Texture: Sandy and somewhat rocky

                        Color: Medium brown

                        Consistency: Loose

                        Drainage: Good

Water Features: None

Principal Plant Species: Grass and the occasional weed though none are apparent at this time

Evidence of Animal Activity: Some squirrels and the neighbor’s cat like to frequent the area

The Story of the Site: This area used to contain many evergreen trees but the people who lived here before us took them down about 7 years ago to make space for a vegetable garden.

My Feelings about the Site: I have been quite frustrated trying to figure out what I want to do with this area and finally I have come to a decision that makes me quite happy. By planting fruit trees in this area, I will receive some privacy through their leaves and branches but also I will be able to grow delicious fruit.


 Preliminary Design and Plan 

  1. Specific Plant Species:

Honeycrisp apple Malus domestica

Chehalis apple Malus domestica

Imperial Epineuse plum Prunus domestica

Kuban Delight plum  Prunus domestica

3x1 Shinse/Ham/Misha/Yoin Asian pear Pyrus Serotina

3 Rhodendrons Rhododendron macrophyllum  

  1. Design:

The rhododendrons will be planted at the most eastern part of the property bordering the main road. The fruit trees will be spaced evenly throughout the rest of the property specified

  1. Sequence of Activities:

I will buy the rhododendrons when they are in bloom so that to make sure that I get the colors I most enjoy. I figure this to be anytime from April to May. I will then immediately plant them. I will probably buy the fruit trees in the middle of March and will also plant them immediately after purchasing.

    Materials and Tools: To plant these I will need shovels, compost and or manure, water, and probably another person

    1. Compost:

    I have two compost bins on my property.

    1. Watering System:

    I have a faucet on the front of my house. I also have a long hose and many sprinklers.


    Alana Black

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