Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Cultural Perspective on Gardening

Cultural Perspective On Gardening

I am mostly Italian ethnically but consider myself an American culturally, as I am sure most do that were born in this country. What is the American perspective on gardening? Well I think it has changed over the generations. In "Field That Dreams" it talked about how Thomas Jefferson envisioned this country being made up of hundreds of different sustainable family farms. This would have been a reality if it was not for the industrialization of the fields that led to corporations taking control of this very important aspect of human life (that aspect being eating). Now that it is not neccesary to personally grow food to stay alive, people mainly garden for aesthetic purposes. This not inherently a good or bad thing for it really depends on the energy behind this action. Some beautify their yards out of fear of being judged negatively by neighbors and to establish their status amongst their community. It is interesting to note that this type of fear is an illusion. They act out of fear of their neighbor's judgement while their neighbor acts out of fear of their judgement, so in the end this doesn't make sense logically. The other side of gardening for aesthetics is gardening for the pure joy and love of natural beauty; this is a good and totally healthy thing to do. I think it can also progress one's love and respect for the earth. I myself do not identify strongly with my "culture" or with anything too strongly because of personal beliefs. I would garden for any reason that promotes personal growth and the cultivation of positive energy.

Nick Picciani

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