Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Weekly Log

Week Two

DATE: 10.4 TIME: 1 hour
ACTIVITIES: Today I spent an hour with my partner Erin discussing our site description and plan of our LH assignment.
LEARNING: I learned much about my partner...

DATE: 10.6 TIME: 1 hour
ACTIVITIES: I spent an hour alone in the longhouse garden identifying plants and pruning back the ferns.
LEARNING: I learned and began to feel more connected to the plants and my space.  For the first time I felt and realized the connectedness of everything and everyone.


Week Three

DATE: 10.11 TIME: 1.5 hours
ACTIVITIES: Erin and I spent an hour and a half in our space, dreaming of what it will become with our work thorugh out this quarter. We also finished and collaborated on the Site Description and filled that worksheet out.
LEARNING: Sitting in our space I've realized alot about the life cycles of plants. I really felt the the essence of our space and felt truely alive. I also identified several plants on my hill, including salal, swordferns, grand firs, and ground blackberries.

DATE: 10.13 TIME: 2 hours
ACTIVITIES: I went onto craigslist.com and looked for large rocks and drove out to Tenino and searched for these so called large rocks
LEARNING: I learned that these Large rocks are hard to find for free.


Week Four

DATE: 10.21 TIME: 2.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: My partneer Erin and I worked for two hours digging our pond in the High Elevations and weeding out the excess plant material that seemed to choke our space. We planed out or made a sort of blueprint of our aspirations for the "MIDIGH" project.-
LEARNING: We learned that we can make our space extremely interesting and cooler, and more informational then everybody elses. There's going to be numerous trails. We also took some timeout to identify several pallnts in our area and identified several that shouldn't have been in our zone.

DATE: 10.22 TIME: 1 hours
ACTIVITIES: I spent an hour at the LongHouse with the Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast identifying plants and searching in the book for plants that I would want to be in on site.
LEARNING: I learned the sort of plants that survive in the high elevations including an assortment of heathers and such low growing plants.


Week Five

DATE: 10.23 TIME: 4.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: Today I drove up to Port Orchard and spent four hours with my community garden getting to know the area and started up on some piliminary pruning and weeding.
LEARNING: I learned the landscape and the direction of the garden and thought about what I could do to contribute to it's beauty.

DATE: 10.27 TIME: 2.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: I worked with Monica on the CG still doing the pruning and weeding necessary to make it look kept.
LEARNING: I learned that if you keep up your garden through the years it is easier to keep it instead of having to start over and weed out the plants for hours on end


Week Six

DATE: 10.30 TIME: 3.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: Today Monica and I went to the hardware store and picked up some beauty bark and cement.  We laid down some black liner and spread the beauty bark on the north side.
LEARNING: Today I got to spend more one on one time with Monica and learned that she is an extremely insightful person and takes part in the healing of gardening. I learned how to use gardening and the process of gardening to heal my physical and emotional self.

DATE: 11.1 TIME: .5 hour
ACTIVITIES: I spent half and hour before class with the LH site pulling back bracken and clearing spaces for new plants and identifying some plants that I uncovered
LEARNING: I've discovered where I would like the placement of my plants in the area that I cleared

DATE: 11.3 TIME: 3.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: Today Monica ans I made cement steps and cleared patches as they hardened
LEARNING: Quite simply, I learned how to make cement steps


Week Seven

DATE: 11.7 TIME: 3.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: I spent the day helping out in Monica's Garden.  We did an enormous amount of weeding and pruning and I also gave her a copy of what i felt I could do for her in the time that I have pledged. We went around and tagged the plants that didn't need pruning and went to work!
LEARNING: I think that the most beneficial aspect of learning that I accomplished today was that sort of all gardens and plants need nurturing and love in order to blossom and become the most benefical garden for you. Becuase of the hard sweaty work of today i feel like I can enjoy and have learned to appreciate the plants that seemed to be a tedious pest.

DATE: 11.10 TIME: 3.0 hours
ACTIVITIES: Today I went to Port Orchard to spend time on the entrance way and havested dandelion roots for drying. Then I went to the school and spent an hour on the computer reasreching high elevations and areas around Olympia that would be able to exemplify my site in it's true habitat.
LEARNING: i learned that the entrance is the first to be seen by people and needs to be an exquisite first impression for those who walk through the arbor and that the closest place is the Olympic National Forest

DATE: 11.12 TIME: 4.5 hours
ACTIVITIES: I drove out to Olympic National Forest with my fathers dog and experienced the higher-elevation habitat and the sort of plants that occur in those areas.  I wondered the trails and felt the life streaming around me.
LEARNING: i identified plants and such in the higher elevations it took me a while to hike up there in the rain but by the end it was done adn I felt good.


Week Eight

DATE: 11.17 TIME: 1.5 hours
ACTIVITIES: I prepared for my LH site presentation by speanding time at my site and researching the plants on the list given to me by Erin
LEARNING: I feel as though I am more prepared for my presentation and all I need is to meet up with Erin to combine our resources.

DATE: 11.18 TIME: 2 hours
ACTIVITIES: Today is the last day at my Community Garden site. I gave thanks and sat with the plants, I arranged to come back to this site on occasion to contribute to it's progress.
LEARNING: I learned that there is a longstanding feeling of connectedness in working on a garden and putting oneself and life into it.


Ami Tricomo

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