Week Two
date:16 oct 06
activities:Working in the gifts garden
Learning:I was so saden by the condition of the Gifts Garden.I am glad that I choose the Gifts Garden as my Community service Garden.This has always been a special place to me.To see it so unkept.I just wanted to weep.
Cummelitive Hours:.5
Week four
Activities: Went to Prairie propagation project.We weeded out plant boxes and planted violets.I learned that the violets are important to just about every life form on the prairie especially the butterfly.
Cummelitive hours: 3 Total cummelitive hours: 8
Date 11/7
Activities:Went to forestry Lab and worked with Misty.Misty first had us spread mulch over a area that had been covered the week before with a tarp.
The tarp was put down to retard the grouth of plants that had grown there before.After we spread the mulch we took a square meeter placed it on the ground to space the plants we were going to plant.Then we moved the mulch,cut the tarp,then made a hole to plant fescue, and kinnickinick.It rained the whole time we were there yet it did nothing to make the ground softer.I thought it would.
Cummelitive hrs.4 Total hrs. 12
Date 11/10
Worked at the Long house garden site today.I weeded and pulled up old grass to pre-pair the ground for new plants. There are certin plants growning that could mean poor soil drainage.So after removing grass we will add sand to the soil to improve the drainage.
Cummelitive hrs.4 Total hrs.16
Date 11/14
Worked with the Nature Concervitory.I went out to Glacer Ridge where I helped plant fuscue.First we made a whole in the ground about two inches,then placed a fescue plug into it.Making sure that the whole is not to deep.If the whole was to deep oxygen would get to the roots and the fescue would die.I also helped spread seed over mounds where this prairie was just recently been burned.By burning the prairie it will insure new growth in the spring.
Cummelitive hrs. 4 Total hrs.20
Date 11/24
Worked on Power Point Presentation started at 6pm and finished with Loni'S help at 4 am.
Cummelitive hrs.10 total hrs. 30
Posted Islandwood field trip pictures
Cummelitive hrs. 2 total hrs. 32
Went to Marja's daughters dance recital and fun-raiser.
Cummelitive hrs.3 total hrs 35
week1 and 2
The last two weeks were spent getting ready to remove sod in prairie area.had to do research to find machine to remove sod.I also went and rented a tiller so after we removed the sod we added a load sand and gravel and tilled it into soil.
Week 3
Read with loni "The sweet Breathing Of Plants"-2 hrs
Worked in journal-1.5 hrs.
Feb 3- Went on field trip to Brown Creek Beaver Pond and The Olympic National Forest with Loren, Tracy, and Loni.We explored the Forest and looked for plants that we could transplant to the Long House Garden.We found alot of salal.blackberry,sword tip ferns,and even bear grass as we were leaving the forest.Befor we picked up Tracy we stoped at this little inlet on the Puget Sound just outside Shelton.While we were there I saw a bald eagle sitting on this pole sticking out of the water.It seemed like he was taking a rest or maybe he was watching for fish to swim by.
Cummelitive hrs:5 Total hrs:8.5
Week 4
Went and spent some time at prairie site just sitting and trying to visulize what this place might look like come spring.Worked on signsge for the long house Prairie site-2.5 hrs.
Read with Loni Keeping it living, and The Sweet Breathing of plants-3 hrs
Went on a walk around the neighborhood to see what type of plants grow in my neighborhood.walked to the pond near my house.-2.5
cummelitive hrs 8 Total:16.5
Week 5
Went to prairie site and took pictures and did some weeding-1.5 hrs
worked on signage for LHG site - 1.5 hrs
Week 6
Started a basket weaving class tonight.We learned how to make a oval shaped basket out of seet grass sage.Finished reading "The Sweet Breathing Of Plants" with Loni reading it out loud .I really enjoyed the time we spent together with this book .Loni and I would get ourselfs a cup of hot tea and find a quiet place to go and read.
Did research on LHG Prairie site-2.5 hrs
Cummelitive hrs.4 Total: 20.5
Week 7
Went back and reviewed "The Sweet Breathing Of Plants".Went to basket weaving class and started a new basket made out of cat tails.Made collage on identity for class presentation.
Cummelitive hrs: 7 Total: 27.5
Week 8
Worked on Long House Garden site presentaion with Loni-3 hrs
Worked in Journal-1.5 hrscomfry
Worked on outside plants. Removing old dead growth.Repotted with new soil. - 4.5 hrs
Went to basket weeving class. Made a square basket out of cedar and dyed string. 2.5
Cummelitive hrs:11.5 Total:39 hrs