Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

project log #8

Date: wed mar 14th hours logged: 12



 This week was spnt getting the project all together and getting prepared for the presentation.  Tracy and i met several times this week to discuss what should be done by who, and integrating the information that the both of us gathered into the presentation and the online website.  Hours were spent as follows:  2 hour meeting on friday march 9, 3 hours spent researching plants and updating site on saturday march 10, 2 hour meeting on sunday mar 11, 2 hours spent researching and working on presentation also on sunday, 1 hour meeting tuesday march 13, 1.5 hours spent working on site maps and preparing presentation on tuesday, 1 hour meeting wednesday march 14

Lorn Brace-Wessel

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