Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Project Log


Date: week 9 and 10

Time spent: 13 Hours

Activities: Actually built the bridge, pulled up some coltsfoot, built a platform for bridge



Date: Week 8

Time spent: 4 Hours,

Activities: Went to hardware store to buy wood for the base of the bridge, talked to people in the wood shop to discuss when we can work on the bridge, picked some weeds from the garden.

Learning: Building a bridge aint easy. We plan to do it Friday the first of June.




Date: Week 7

Time spent: 5 hours

Activities: Gathering wood for bridge from evergreen forest. Started work on bridge, planting, weeding, Started work on bridge.

Learning: Someone had caused harm to our site, ruining our spring shrine and messing with plants and muddy area. We spent some time redoing those areas, anything could happen.


Date: Week 6

Time spent: 5 hours

Activities: Designing bridge and researching materials, weeding



Date: Week 5

Time spent: 5 Hours

Activities: Found 2 spring sources. Created something of a shrine around them. Cleared out more dead leaves. Found designs for a foot bridge.

Learning: Its pretty hard to work with the mud of the creek. We need to move one of the skunk cabbages to put in the foot bridge and I don't know how well it'll turn out for the Skunk Cabbage! Also aside from the bridge I am running out of things to do with the site. I plan on working on the powerpoint of the site and also planting some plants such as devils club if we are able to get some. There are some plants in the garden that I' not sure if they are wanted or not. They are mostly around the edges near the sidewalk. I also saw that the spring is something of a bath for some birds! Very cute.



Out of town from 4-25 until 5-2


Date: week 3

Time spent: 4 hour

Activities: Found the spring. Cleared the area out and created an enshrinement, if temperary until we can come up with a better plan. I also worked on clearing out more leaves around the wider area. Anastar and I worked on outilining Ideas of project work in the garden. We looked at the slideshow and webpage of the previous students who worked in the SSC. We decided to start our focus on getting out the dead plants and the fallen leaves, to build a bridge, to bring in other plants such as devils club, and if we are able to, remove the red alder tree to allow willow tree to flourish. After making some decisions, on this day I particularly spent my time cutting back dead fern, salmonberry and picking up fallen leaves.

Learning: I found some trailing blackberry, I think, amungst the ferns by the bleeding heart. I also realized how much clean up there is needed in our area. Lots of work to be done just to get the muck and dead stuff out. There is an area around the path that will be leading to the bridge that could use some ground coverage. Also where the spring comes up there is muddy area that could use some pretty decorations, plants or rocks or something so that the area around the spring is beautified.


Date: Counting as Saturday hours for class. 4-21

Time spent: 2 hours

Activities: Spent time clearing out more leaves and dead furn. Also worked on path that will lead into the bridge going over the creek. Put down stones for this path and mulch.

Learning: I am learning to be more patient and enjoy my time with the plants. I have found some violet umungst the debre and have set them free.


Date: week 3

Time spent: 1/2 hour

Activities: Became aquanted with site. Took pictures of all the plants in shady seasonal creek. Also looked at other sites trying to see what plants I could identify.

Learning: In the site that I am going to be participating in there is Salmon Berry, Bleeding Heart, Skunk Cabbage, and a number of other plants that I don't know. I will definately need help to figure out what to be doing in the garden. I think that it is possible to get a bridge put in over the creek to the path of the mixed forest area.



Time spent:




Jamie George

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