Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Week one in an overview

Week One Reflection

October 4, 2006

This last week was really a tidal wave for me. For some reason, I never got the note saying there was class on Wednesday nights. I came on Saturday morning to attend class for the first time. We initially walked over to the Longhouse Ethnobotonical Garden. It was my first time seeing the Longhouse and Garden. I thought it was all very beautiful and calm. That morning was very cold. I found an area of the garden that I found called out my name. I decided that the Camas Prairie region of the garden was where I wanted to express my creativity. Earlier in the week, I finished reading the book Fields that Dream by Jenny Kurzweil. I felt the book was a good piece to introduce me to the ways of thinking in this course. In fact it was the first book assigned to me here at Evergreen. While reading this book I wondered why I hadn't found it earlier!  On Saturday we met in many small groups and discussed our feelings about gardening and our personal past and thoughts about our culture and gardening.  At the end of class we all shared in a large group about our small group discussions.  I felt very good about our conclusion. I couldn't wait to come to class again on Wednesday night!

Ashley Stratton

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