Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

project log #4

Date: wed May 2nd hours logged:5.5


activities: This week a lot of work was done in the garden. I spent all of my time working in Mixed Forest A with Sebastian. On Monday we worked for 3 hours, playing Jimmy Cliff and Primus for the plants while we worked...they seemed to like reggae. We spent the time trimming up a lot of the old fronds from the ferns, and removing lots of Herb Robert. On Wednesday we spent another 2 and a half hours cleaning up the site, removing more herb robert, and removing leaves and debris from the site and putting it in the compost. I also spent a little time tending to some of the rose bushes we transplanted in the decorative area...a few weren't looking too good so i looked about, and a lot of the roots were still exposed, so i put some more dirt around them. Whats the deal with that fern that's been dug up and is just sitting in the decorative area? that needs to be put back in the ground, or put to rest...


total hours logged: 13.5

Lorn Brace-Wessel

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