Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Project Log #5

Date: wed May 9th hours logged:5


activities: This week, a lot of progress was made on clearing out the non-native grass that has taken over the dry woodland. Sebastian and I spent about 2 and a half hours on Monday de-sodding, and weeding in the dry woodland area. I have put in a request for Kinnikinnick and a soapberry plant and still plan on going on a procurement mission of my own for pipsissewa. Tuesday, i spent 2 and a half hours with Derek and Sebastian working on procurement. We drove and hiked around the Evergreen campus in search of Vanilla leaf, false lily of the valley and bleeding heart for transplanting in the mixed forest A area. The mushroom project is coming along quite nicely as well, i'll have more pics in class...

Plans for rest of quarter:  I would like to clear out a bit more space in the Dry woodland area, for i have realized that there is no way possible to work my way through all of it and still have time to put in new plants to replace it, so i have chosen to work more on a specific area.  I will be planting Kinnikinnick, a soapberry bush, and pipsissewa in the space that i clear.  My mushroom project is also coming along quite nicely, i am ready to spawn to straw/sawdust today, will be working on that tonight and tomorrow morning, and should be ready to spawn to logs in about 2 weeks from now.  i would like to dig some holes and sink a few logs like posts, then innoculate them with oyster and lion's mane mushroom spawn so that the fruits can be enjoyed by those in the Evergreen community in the fall mushroom season.

total hours logged: 18.5

Lorn Brace-Wessel

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