Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Mixed Forest A Plant List

Plants Present in
Mixed Forest A
There are a wide variety of plants that creep their heads up through the soil in this area.
Vanilla Leaf- Achlys triphylla
Thimbleberry- Rubus parviflorus
Bleeding Heart- Dicentra formosa
False Lily of the Valley- Maianthemum dilatatum
Salal- Gaultheria shallon
Trailing Blackberry- Rubus Ursinus
Wild Strawberry- Fragaria vesca
Shrubs/Small Trees:
Sword Ferns- Polystichum munitum
Braken Ferns- Pteridium aquilinum
Salmonberry- Rubus spectabilis
Osoberry- Oemleria cerasiformis
Ocean Spray- Holodiscus discolor
Mock Orange- Philadelphus lewisii

Large Trees:
Big Leaf Maple- Acer macrophyllum
Western Red Cedar- Thuja plicata
Western Hemlock- Tsuga heterophylla
Douglas Fir- Pseudotsuga menziesii
Sitka Spruce- Picea sitchensis
Noble Fir- Abies procera
Herb Robert- Geranium robertianum
Dandelion- Taraxacum officinale
Nipple Wart- Lapsana communis
Buttercup- Ranunculus occidentalis

 bleeding heartbleeding heart

Sebastian Scott

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