Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)


self: I can be a bit shy, but there is nothing more exciting to me than observing my surroundings. This is my third year at evergreen, I officially moved out here from california, and have been involved with the beauties of our natural world my whole life.       new
I can be a bit shy, but there is nothing more exciting to me than observing my surroundings, I also dabble in art; Painting, sculpting, writing, photography these are ways that I add more color to my life. This is my third year at evergreen, I officially moved out here from california, born in washington. Half My time spent as a child until now has been between Washington and Cali. I have also lived in Crestone and Mofat, Colorado, Utah(for short time) and Santa Fe, New Mexico. At the age of eight I was welcomed into a new family; with that I learned spanish, a bit of french and all the other attachements that came along with a cuban family. I am interested in this class because i love plants, being outdoors (I am at peace when I am with nature) and I wanted to learn more about the healing qualities that plants have to offer.

A Creation Story

So Before the world became what it is as we know it today

There was an emptiness or Fullness.

The only thing that existed,

That was recognizable

Was a silent hum.

The time had come when the source decided to be.

So the thought became and the breath was there.

On that first breath the stars were born,

And space was created.

The stars took shape to symbolize each creature

To take form as

A resting place

For the identity of the whole.

Before our ancestors were placed on their feet

It was decided that all creatures

Had to forget.

You see that world was created in order to experience

Trueness of love.

This could only be done by not knowing.

The source knew of love

As we know it is one thing to think of being (of love)

Yet quite another to be.

So a veil was created:

(Not to worry dear ones

We were given trails to follow

And pieces to place together

For we are never left in the dark

Of who we truly are.)

And our home was given form.

At first there was water the heart of our earthly mother.

In order to tame her heart protect her heart

Our Great Mother

Created from herself

A shell that grew beneath

And all around

This was our earth.

With water and earth dancing about

Then came wind

A Beautiful Thing.

The wind took Mothers heart pieces

And sprinkled it across the land.

Out from the heart with help of the wind

Sprouted plants

This is when Our Mother took her

First breath.

The Plants, Water and wind

Danced joyfully

Between each other and around each other

They danced the dance of life.

From that joy

Came the toiling of workers

Created to tend to the plants

To dance with the wind

To be in the water and hide in the earth

Happiness was among them.

As the source sang and enjoyed

It’s creation song

So came the orchestra of all the life.

The time came for the source to create it’s


The challenge of Love.

And so the ants began to build

Mounds and mounds of our mothers’ skin

the protector of her heart small pieces were brought together

and when these mounds took a breath

there was man.

And then the trees gathered strength from the wind,

From our earth, and from water.

Once all that was needed was gathered

They broke their bark open

There was woman.

All the creatures danced

And began to teach our ancestors

How to be strong.

How to tend to the plants

Dance with the wind

Be with the water

And live in the earth.

Donna Lipiz

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