Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)


Date: October 9th

Hours: Two


I meet with Brandi for about two hours today to do site description, get aquanted with her, and to get to know the site. We started to sketch out a crude map and tryed to identify plants and whatnot. Many of my plant identifications were educated guesses and I plan on working on them further. We also talked about adding a trail and speculated on the strange PVC pipes that come out of the ground on our site. We noticed much evidence of animals and insects and were suprised by the diversity of the site. The ground is so uneven that different spots have different charateristics. I look forward to further intergrating this site into my mind.

October 18,2006

Time:two hours

Activity: met with Brandi and took a long walk around Evergreen forests. We walked the edges trying to find simularities in the moist forest edge habitat.

Learning: Well we tried to identify a moss. We just recognized that huckleberries and blackberries and many other plants commonly grow together in the moist forest edge.

Cumalative hours: 4hours

October 23,2006

Time: 2 hours

Activity:Met Brandi at longhouse and raked leaves. We indentified some trees and ferns and mosses. Discussed where and how we would like our trail.

Learning: identified

Cumalitive hours:6 hours

October 26,2006

Time:2 hours

Activity: I attended a speaking on spices and herbs by Carolyn Fisher.

Learning: I learned about how spices can help preserve foods for longer periods of time. She focused a lot on chemistry and health, which i was pretty confused about. But i did learn that she takes plant derivitives and many of the same substances(derivitives) are put in foods and poisons.

Cumalative hours: 8

October 30, 2006

Time 2hours

Activity: Meditated and journaled in the space

Cumalitive: 10 hours

November 1,2006

Time: 1 hour

Activity: raked leaves, continued planning trail, identified

Culmalitive: 11 hours

November 5, 2006

Time 2hours

Activity: Meditated and journaled in the space

Cumalitive: 13 hours

November 14, 2006

Time: 4 hours

Activity : Read the chapter on forests in Natural History of Puget Sound COuntry by Kruckeberg

Learning: Douglas fir dominates Northwest forests, while Sitka Spruce is almost as common. That there are three vegetation zones in the Puget Sound basin but the plants in the zones overlap and aren't exactly specific.

total: 17 hours

November 27th

time: 4 hours

activity: wrote independent presentation

cumalitive: 21 hours

November 29, 2006

Time : 3 hours

Activity : met with Nick and tried to start our Drupal presentation. Encountered problems dowloading pictures. Tried to identify more plants. Expanded our site description. All in allĀ  progress wasn't flowing well.

total: 24 hoursĀ 



Nick Picciani

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