Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Longhouse Project and Community Service project work

Date: 10/9/2006Time: 2:00-4:00Activities: Determined sites and made area maps.

Listed plants on site.

Discussed possible plants to put on site’

Made list of questions we need to answer before beginning maintenance.

Discussed and listed plants to research for site 1.

Discussed possible rock sculpture for sign area in site 1.

Discussed best way to procedure to clean out sites 2/3 due to ground cover under grass.Learning that took place: Realized that working in a habitat such as the one at the Longhouse is going to be very different from the type of gardens I plant at home. I will have to study the types of plants that are native to our area and how the different plants work together. How they look together is not really the prime focus, although I do want to work in the structure of the area to make it pleasing to the eye as well.

I noticed many small ground covers that I overlooked the first time I walked the site. However, going back over the site the second time, I noticed many things I did not notice before.

Hours to date: 2

Week 2:

 Date: 10/10/06

Time spent: 1.5 hoursActivities undertaken: Discussed garden project with Wendy Boles, 7th grade science teacher at Olympic Middle School.

 Went over curriculum she is teaching and discussed ways to integrate a garden project. We discussed the possibility of creating terrariums with different types of environments that the students can monitor and log scientific changes they observe.Learning that took place: I borrowed some books to read regarding gardening in the classroom and how to create environments for study in the classroom. Will meet with her again on Thursday.

Hours to Date: 3.5

Date: 10/12

Met with Wendy Boles. Went over some ideas for the indoor gardens. Selected several plants and containers we might use.

Time: 1 hour

Time to date: 4.5


Longhouse Garden Project

1.5 hours. Took pictures, looked up plants, worked up map/ there may be some plants missing from the original site that need to be replaced. Reviewed plants that might be placed in the area.

Learning occured: Read about: Ocean spray, Vine Maple, trailing blackberry, Cascara, lushootseed, thimbleberry.

Plants missing: firewood evening primrose.

Time to date: 6 hours  

Date: 10/15

Community Garden Project  Gifts of the First People Garden

Took pictures and identified the herbs in the area we were going to work in.  My group was an hour late and I left

Learning that occured: Read on the care of each herb I identified.

Time: 1 hour in garden 2 reviewing.

Time to date: 8


Longhouse project

Site work: pulled grass after doing spot site checks to identify the plats under the grass. Updated site map, took more pictures.

Discussed and read on proper way to prune the fern and the Maple. We need to find out what other plants used to live here. Reviewed what should go to the composte pile from the grass and other invasive's we removed.

Time: 4 hours

Total time: 12 hours


Reviewed the questions we had at prior visit. Worked on area 1, the sign area. Decided to leave this area alone untl later. Worked at site 2 and 3 near entrance of building. Trimmed one fern and found some plants that I had not seen. Looked them up in plant book. Started severe removal of grass, but I am not sure it is ok to do this. So we stopped to discuss a strategy. The grass is very matted and nothing will grow through it. I am excited about the violets under the ferns and noticed the small plants that like to grow in and around each other.

Hours: 3

Total hours: 15

11/3Library: looked up plants on site. How to prume/feed/landscaping. I think we should keep the grass there until spring. I do not want to disturb what is there right now. I would like to put in a path leading to the water and around the back for access. Made some sketches not sure what kind of materal to use will need to discuss. Might want to bring in some textures and scuplture,rocks or wood?

Hours: 14



Took film of site and worked up a map

Hours to date:  18

Karen Lawson

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