Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Project log


Time spent:45min 

Activities:Worked on site description

Learning: Both my partner and I are in the process of becoming familiar with our site 


Time spent: 1.5 hours

Activities:Drew out a rough map of our site with no measurements

Learning: Drawing our site meant I had to pay closer attention to some of the details of our site that I had not seen so well before, such as where there are hills/logs/trails etc., and the boundaries of our site ends and the others begin. We also spent some time mapping out miked forest B before deciding to put that on hold in order to focus on MF A. 

Date: 10/11

Time Spent: 2hrs

Today my partner and I surveyed and measured our site . Also, I began working on the general overview and site description.

Learning: Getting the measurements brought us closer to being able to come up with an approximate area. Also, became familiar with the area and its borders.


Time Spent: 2 hrs.

Activities: Today Suzanne and I began our work in the garden. Mostly, we pulled blackberry vines out of the areas where they had begun to take over. We attempted to dig up some dead ferns, as well as pull back some of the English Ivy that is beginning to climb the trees in our area.

Learning: Though our area could still use alot more work, we mostly just wanted to go out and work in our garden to get a feel for how much time it takes to really make the changes that we hope to make to the garden. Though I don't think that the garden looked a whole lot different after we finished than when we began, I was glad we finally started.


Time Spent:15 min.

Activity: Emailed mylee to inquire about volunteering at the Muladhara gardens

Learning: I didn't feel that I even knew much at all about REACH, so gave her a bit of info about myself but mostly asked questions 


Time spent:1.5hours

Activities: Today we, once again, pulled trailing blackberry and continued to work on removing and/or clipping back dead ferns

Learning: After we realized that some fo the "dead" ferns we had planned to dig up were still green at the roots or when we scratched the stems, we decided to leave them in the ground 

Date: 10/27

Time Spent: 2 hours

Activities: Working in the Muladhara garden picking apples, kiwis, grapes.

Learning: Today I was introduced to the Muladhara garden. I feel that the garden space is perfect for REACH, and was especially drawn to the meditation area of the garden. Today I learned more about what the REACH project is all about, and I feel that it has so much potential.

Date: 11/1

Time Spent: 2 hours

Activities: Digging up trailing blackberry, clipping ferns, pulling dandelion

Learning: Today I realized how much time making big changes to our garden site is really going to take. It seemed that we worked forever and our site hardly looked different when we finished.


Time spent: 3 hours

Activities: Today I walked in the woods behind Evergreen to try and identify an area that was similar to our site habitat, and to observe what kinds of plants were growing there to try to get ideas for plants we might be able to add to out site.

Learning: I found that, outside of the context of the Longhouse garden, it was quite difficult for me to identify the habitat types of many of the areas. However, I did recognize many of the plants and realized that since this class I am better able to put names to many of the plants that I was familiar with was previously was not able to identify. 


Time Spent:2 hours

Activities: Today I sketched our site in order to help me come up with some ideas for changes we might be able to make to our site

Learning: Some of the ideas I came up with were adding taller plants to the front at the start of the walkway to create a more welcoming feel when one enters the garden or adding a sculpture to our site 


Time spent: 1 hour

Activities: Today I worked in our longhouse garden pulling out some of the ivy that grows beneath the Douglas firs in our site. This included pulling the ivy off of the trees, as much of the ivy has started to climb/wrap the trees.

Learning: even though I worked for quite some time, it seems that I made little impact.Though I removed all of the ivy that  had begun to climb the trees, I fear that it will  just grow back again.


Time Spent: 2 hours

Activities: Project planning and site description, my partner and I planned out how we wanted to introduce our site to the class for our presetation

Learning: Planning for our presentation has really caused me to think about what I have learned in this class about our garden site and what I want to share with thr class.

Date: 11/17

Time Spent:2 hours

Activities: Today Alix and I worked at the Muladhara Garden digging up blackberries, thistle, and other weeds and raking.

Learning: I learned today that trailing blackberry can grow extremely long and wrap around other plants/blackberry vines around it causing it to be very difficult to remove.

Date: 11/22

Time Spent: 3 hours

Activities: Suzanne and I met to decide upn the format/layout of our project and brainstorm some ideas for content, after we met I walked to our site to see if there was anything else I felt was necessary to add to our presentation

Learning: Having to decide what we wanted to put in our presentation caused me to have to evaluate what was most important to me about our site and the work that we did this quarter at the longhouse.

Date: 11/25

Time Spent:1.5 hours

Activities: Posted some of the pages for a our presentation including the site description and introduction, and future goals and plans for our site

Learning: I used alot of the work and notes in my notebook from earlier in the quarter, such as the site description I wrote at the very beginning of the quarter, in creating pages for our presentation. Going back to these notes and re-reading them caused me to realize the ways in which I have become more familiar with my site throughout the quarter, and having to re-write them in a summarized form caused me to consider what was really most important about what I had written. It also caused me to realize how my relationship with my garden site had changed.

Date: 11/27

Time Spent: 2 hours

Activities: Researched layers of rainforest/habitat type, began putting together ideas for presentation

Learning: learned about the different layers of the forest such as the emergent, canopt, understory, shrub layer and forest floor


Time spent:2 hours

Activities:Researched some of the plants that were in our site to find uses

Learning: Learned many uses for plants in our site of which I was previously unaware


Time Spent: 2.5 hours

Activities: Suzanne and I put together our presentation. She has uploaded some pictures and we had both added some book "pages" to our presentation, so we sat down to figure out how we wanted to present them all together.

Learning: We each had our own seperate ideas about what was most important to say in our presentation, so finally putting it all together and figuring out the order of what we were presenting and how it all fit together was really important.


Time Spent: 2 hours

Activities:Today Katelyn and I worked in the Muladhara garden, digging up more blackberry and also spreading leaves as mulch.

Learning: While I don't feel that I learned anything entirely new, working in the garden is always very meditative.


Cumulative Hours:35

Megan Fuller

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