Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Dry Woodland: Site Introduction

Welcome to the Dry Woodlands!  Where Lodgepole Pines and Chickens of the Wood live in happy harmony together.  We have a 20'-25' X 27' dry woodland area that we will be nursing back to health.  There are 7 Lodgepole Pines (one is completely dead and will be removed), and one Fir tree in the back.  In the center of the site, there sits a dead log that had Chicken mushrooms (Chicken of the Woods, Laetiporus sulphureus) growing out of it when we first saw it.  They are now becoming very decomposed.  These are a type of Polypore and are of choice edibility.  Loni and I were very excited to see them and hope to cultivate them. 

The entire site is covered in some type of grass - perhaps rye grass and in the grass there are weeds and some berry vines. 

Tracy Wilson and Loni Ronnebaum

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