Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

sayuyay Sister Garden: Site description

sayuyay Sister Garden Site Description 

*Subject to upcoming changes
1. Map & Size -will insert map 
2. Shape-  Is generally rectangular
3. Topography- Generally flat with undulations and mild slopings.
4. Slopes- Portions are close to level.  Here is a tour around the space:  The southwest corner slopes approximately 5 degrees towards the northwest corner.  The northwest corner slopes approximately 8 degrees towards the northeast corner.  The northeast corner slopes upward towards the southeast corner approximately 12 degrees.  The southeast corner is level with the southwest corner.
*this areas will be graded soon to be completely level.
5. Exposure-  7-8 feet from the edge of the longhouse (the southern edge of the space) gets no direct sun due to the shade from the building. It seems now, as we transition to fall an winter, that the center of the space gets maybe 4.5-5 hours of direct sun.  The eastern side of the space will get light the soonest.  The western side will lose light sooner as the shade from the neighboring forest will preside.  
6. Soil Characteristics-  Will bring in new soil for raised beds.
7. Water Features-  Runoff from Longhouse will not be an issue it seems.  The eastside is bordered by a seaonal
8.  Principal Plant Species Present-  Mostly introduced grass species.  Some areas are obviously freshly seeded.  False dandelions prevail.
9.  Evidence of animal activity-  Gophers seem to be present.  There are 10-12 mounds mostly in the wester half of the space.  
10. Feeling abou the site: This is  such a beautiful project to be a part of.  The area is rich with possibility but also seems content to be as it is now.  It is a very peaceful space.  

Sharon Chung, Heather Jacobson, Alix Jopp, Anna Thirkield

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