Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Week 2 in an Overview

This week I finished reading the book Fields that Dream.  I really enjoyed the whole book and found it inspiring.  For ten years of my childhood, I was actively involved in the Pierce County Valley 4-H club and knew many individuals who grew their own vegetables and flowers and entered them in the local fairs.  There was a strong sense of community and everyone knew each other and held common goals.  Never did I realize that urban environments housed much of what I experienced as a youth.  I have always enjoyed what the farmers saturday markets brought with them.  They were always so festive and jolly and colorful.  The people that make this happen are hard working happy people who are not just satisfied with their life but passionate about it.  I have never met a farming type of person that was depressed.  Sure, there can be rough times but the people who farm, for the most part I feel like they are doing what they feel theCreator put them here to do.  The pleasures of working outside are numerous.  One never stops learning and is constantly in awe of what is around them.  The interviews that were conductedby Jeny Kurzweil really were enjoyable for me to read.  Not only were they farmers but local farmers from the very region that I know and live.  All of the people that were interviewed know the same places I know and many sell their goods at markets that are all accessible to me.  While reading, I thought about my family and how I could make better relations with them.  I came to the conclusion that planting and keeping a garden, no matter how small it may be wouldbe so rewarding and so bonding.  It would really stregnthen our bond.  This book gave me insight and hope for my future.  Basically reading this book made my week complete!

Ashley Stratton

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