Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Moist Forest Edge

Area Name: Moist Forest Edge

Habitat Type: Forest

Overview: The moist forest edge is the developed west side of the Longhouse Garden. It is shady and wet and harbors a number of plant species in a wilderness feeling area as opposed to much of the garden. IT is a calm area that is out of the way. It includes two strange PVC pipes that are sticking out of the ground.

Size: The area is roughly 80ft by 35ft.

Shape: Long and narrow with a wider spot in the middle.

Topography: It is quite uneven and undulating.

Slope: It has a slope of about 5% where it begins but then evens out slightly, but it is highly varied.

Orientation: It is on the western side of the Longhouse.

Exposure: 3-4 hours of sunlight a day with little direct exposure.

Soil Characterisitcs:

Texture: moist mixture with mostly clay by edges

Color: mixed, color is lighter when higher up

Consistency: mixed, but mostly firm

Drainage: mixed, some areas would be poor

Water Features: damp but no bodies of water

Principal Plant Species: Almost every plant appears to be in good health in this area. There are many ferns, a few big maples, a little huckleberry, one snowberry bush, a few wild ginger and wild strawberry plants. There are more plants we will identify in time.

Evidence of Animal Activity: There is a burrow right near there sidewalk along with a lot of evidence of foraging. I saw a ball of bird feathers and fluff that looks like a predator was there. There are many different insects as well.

General Feelings: The moist forest edge is very wild feeling, but somehow also seems calming. I enjoy the diversity and roughness of it, not to mention the privacy.


Nick Picciani, Brandi Stone

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