our garden<!--break--> I thought that I would rather not look up the definition of a garden. To me a garden is plants that are cultivated, brought into the world or cared for through the aid of some other creature. A garden brings some sort of subtance of pleasure or nutrients to the cultivater and a possible refrence to a symbiotic relationship could be made; because not only does the cultivator recieve benifits but the "garden" may also flourish in a better life style. In my social upbringing in relationship to gardens people are the cultivators .
A forest can be a garden, even though it is a more natural environment that mainly has little to do with human involvement I believe that with in a forest there is a symbiotic relationship that occurs amoung the plants, animals, and insects. Where one is dependent on another in order to thrive.
Cities, Some could consider them gardens they are giving. Cities provide pleasure to those who inhabit them but I don't think of a building as somthing that breathes. Maybe that is why a city is so sad to me I see it with no life. But for me I think that a building doesnot have a life essence that depends on the sun and soil. So for me a city canot hold the same meaning as garden.
Oh man , the earth is a garden! to begin the cycle of hoe the earth is so dependent on all those around it and in it. The earth brings nutrients to us and we provide the same to it. To sound like I just came back from a rainbow gathering, the earth is the biggest garden in our galaxy:)
Hunting and gathering is not gardening to me unless that hunter has strict involment, or conscious awareness in providing some kind of offering to the prey. A dirrect involment to it growth, same goes for gathering.
Week 4 dancing rainbow
A garden can be asthetic, create oulet, nourishment , and survival. A farm, a horticulture center, sculpture gardens, and home gardens. Nourishment garden would consist of any thing that brought healing to something. Whether it be food, medicine, protection; butterfly garden in big sur, organic farm here. Suvival would be more of a mix of food garden and the forest. When i think of survival I think of the bare necessities, a forest would serve as survival garden if the person using it also offered back when they took. A horticulture center would serve more as a learning garden, from what I have seen information is given to the public, on what plants names are and what purpose the plants might serve; Fullerton horticulture center. Sculpture garden could really be anything. When ever someone takes care to mold a plant prune I think they are creating art, but there are also garden that include other art work with the outside world; like the sculpture garden outside of evergreen;most museum include sculpture gardens.
week 6
for food, for beauty, for animals, benifical insects, for money, and for love. These gardens do become diffrent, gardens are like people each unique in ther own way, and if there are people propigating and careing for a garden then there individual hearts, passion, knowledge filture through. Interesting to think about how plants could carry the energy of the ones that are takeng care of them. I have always thought about plants giving to people, as if the plants were the one teaching us, I never really thought about plants also taking in the energy of the ones around them. Interesting thought, I wonder if you could start a sociology of plants based on there human environment?
Week 7 the good the bad and the ugly
bad gardens are the gardens that go unattended, or the gardens that perpetuate noxiuos weeds. Also I think bad gardens consist of gardens that used pesticides that seem into the ground. I also thing a bad garden, or gardener is something that takes away from it's enviorment; like farms that don't get rotated, or other plants are not used to fix the nitrogen, gardens that need a whole lot of extra care that not provided by it's natural environment, or needs artifical suppliments. Good garden would have to be in balance with it's environment, which in our backyards are hard to come by. for most people. I would say that good and bad gardens exist based on the one who created them.
Week 8
I Know some people who garden, but most of the ones who surround me are not gardeners. They are not attached to those natural things that are around them they are very disconected to anything that they can propigate themselves. I hear all the time a person making a comment that they are not good plant caregivers, I used to be one of them. In my mind I could never understand why my plants would always die, I remember I used to tell people as an example that I was such a bad plant caregiver that I killed a cactus, ha ha. Any way I ended up enrolling in a horticulture class and after that I learned to observe what I was doing, I started caring about what I was doing. With that I noticed that I wasn't actually caring for the plant at all I would either give it to much water to much light or opposite, I never checked on the plant and observed it and once I started doing that caring, plants didn't die. (well im no mother therasa of the plants by all means) But when I hear people say I have a brown thumb, I hear them say I havn't been to concerned about what Im doing with the plants I've come across, and I know that if they put alittle more time into it that brown thumb would wash right off. One of the things I learned while working at a horticulture center was the plants ability to survive, they want to live, it's there gentetic code, so they just need the right environment to thrive.
Week 9
Gardening and spirit
I have alwys looked towards my outside world for comfort. As a kid and in these days that I expirence now I have learned from watching nature. I remeber my first drive through the forest of washington and sitting in the car with amazement stuck on my brow knowing something incredible exist beyond our human bodies. It was my love for this outer world which created in me my love for my fellow bodies. I grow with the leaves around me.