Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Garden Types

I believe that anywhere you can cultivate things is a garden.  Including your mind.  However, I will stick to gardens that contain plants here.  There are MANY different gardens.  Food gardens; multi-purpose gardens, such as permaculture; maze gardens; secret gardens; flower gardens; and it goes on and on.  Anywhere that there are plants that can be used for any purpose, including ornamental, is a garden.  For instance, my manager has ornamental flower gardens that she keeps to make herself happy and keep her yard looking colorful and pretty.  I think it helps her relieve stress.  I am sure she might have some edible or medicinal plants in there, but she doesn't know about it.  I don't even know if she thinks about food gardens.  She thinks I am quirky because I believe in organic  food and protecting the environment, and thought I was weird when I joined a CSA.  There is another garden, well, a farm.  Susie Kyle runs Winlock Meadows farm and that is the CSA I belonged to for a while.  She has a small, organic (not certified) farm in Winlock, WA.  Unfortunately, she is being closed in on by Industrial development and doesn't know if her farm will be able to exist much longer.  I, myself, would like to have a permaculture garden and small mushroom farm.  I want to be able to walk out my door and pick dinner for the night.

It greatly saddens me that many people in our culture are like my manager.  They just think gardens are for flowers and keeping your yard pretty.  I don't think they truly realize how important plants are to us and what they mean to our lives.  I am learning a great deal from The Earth's Blanket about what plants should mean to us.  It is strange, but the more I read, the more familiar it all is to me.  I can't explain it quite yet, but I am working on it. 

Tracy Wilson

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