Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)


I believe that Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Wisdom is the knowledge and wisdom of the living things around you that you live in.  As in The Earth's Blanket.  The different nations knew intimately the plants and animals around them, as well as the life cycles of these beings.  They knew how to harvest and use the plants and animals around them sustainably, so that they would be there for future generations to use.  It is horrible that so much of this knowledge has been lost and though I am grateful for this book, it is also heartbreaking to read.  We should all have the knowledge of how to use the earth around us for medicine, food, shelter, and clothing.  I don't understand this way of thinking that the Europeans had when they came here to just rape and pilage everything in their path.  I don't even understand where it came from.  Maybe, I just don't want to understand that.  I have never been happy to be living in this time anyway.

 I think that TEKW would have great implications on mainstream perspectives on gardening.  People would understand that plants are much more than pretty things to look at.  The would understand that you can live off of what is growing around you and treat illness too.  You don't have to go to the supermarket to get all of your food and you don't have to go the doctor to get all of your medicine.  Gardening within the TEKW perspective would look more like permaculture to me.  Many different plants co-habitating together to provide us with food and medicine.  Similar to the forest.  Not only does this type of garden have food and medicine, but some of these plants help to protect and feed the other plants within the garden.  For example, some of the plants ward away harmful insects, while some attract helpful pollinators.  Also, some deep rooted plant bring nutrients to the upper sections of soil in benefit of the more shallow rooted plants.  It is amazing to me and I cannot wait to be able to walk out of my house into permaculture.  I don't know a lot about how to do this yet, but I will learn!

Tracy Wilson

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