Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Lady McDuff

Battle Royal [1]battle royal 

There is no trying.  There is only doing or not doing.                                      -Yoda

I was born in Memphis, TN and raised in Lacey, WA.  I lived in the same house for 14 years.  We always had a food garden and many plants around the yard.  I loved the results, but wasn't much into the process (my family still calls me Lady due to my childhood adversion to dirt).  I am a black woman in a white mans world (I have a white guy friend who considers this to be true about himself).  I have less than 2 quarters and 10 credits, untill graduation.  I took off ten years to "find myself".  I have found myself pretty much at the beginning, still struggling to disentagle myself from the would have, should have, could have been mentality around me.  I want to live as green as I can and teach children to do the same, gaining greater self respect and good health at the same time.  Healing gardens works well with my love of nutrition, culinary arts and native medicine.  I love the idea of walking around my two acre yard/forest and find food to heal and feed my family.  I want to share that with others, with children.  I want to give them that sense of oneness with their world.  Not the separateness one feels at the Safeway or WalMart.  Life is odd.  Here's to DOING!! 

S. Alisa McDuff

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