Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

leaves and life

Hola, my name is Ami. I was born in Japan and lived there for 8 years and moved around New Mexico, California, Alaska and then Washington.  I've been a student of the violin for almost 8 years and just recently picked up the guitar. I love to play for a wide variety of audiences; my favorite being plants and mother nature. I've grown up around alot of naturalpathic and wholistic practices through my family and elders and have developed a fascination with plants and their healing practices. My intention is to become more one with my mind, body, and earth and begin to really feel the connectedness of all things...

Other wise, I like to spend my open days hiking up to the tops of fresh treacherous peaks and then rafting down through rapid glacier fed water. I like to play music and sleep around a bonfire under the stars. And then I like to watch the sunrise... As for the events that the future holds for me; I cannot say... I came to Evergreen to find myself and I hope I will discover what I am truely interested in.  At this point though, I feel like the possibilities are infinitely present.


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