Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)


My full name is Katelyn Clarke DeCecco, many people call me Katie Face. I grew up in Austin, Texas. A great, great place. Most of my childhood was spent outdoors in trees with my two older sisters. Particularly the mimosa tree in my front yard. My parents always strongly encouraged being outdoors the entire time it was light outside, so most of my life's adventures have taken place with nature. Perhaps that is why I am pulled towards it so strongly.

I moved to Olympia in January of 2005. I must have been out of mind to come here from Texas in the dead of winter all alone, but somehow I survived. I spent the first few quarters as a full time student, and then spent a year becoming a Washington resident.  Well worth it. Now I am back in action, excited to learn about plants.

Right now it is really too soon to know any real future plans. I would like to work with earth regardless of what I do, but now my interest is mainly sparked by agriculture and landscape architecture. On my own time I enjoy a good novel, avacados, walking in the fall weather, birds and insects, and dancing with feeling. katelyn

Katelyn DeCecco

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