Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

All about Sherry

Hello, and welcome to my Bio!
Just a couple of quick things about me:

I was born in Nachitouches, La; but grew up all over the world, as my Dad was in the military. My family has always had a strong emphasis on liberal arts learning (not necessarily the same thing as school). Some of my favorite memories are from different times in my childhood when my Dad would take the family to Shakesperean plays, museums, or National Geographic lectures. Most of the time I spent growing up, we did not have TV in our house, and this has continued through most of my adulthood.

I spent 21+ years in the US Army.. a few of the things I did during that time included...
Jumping out of airplanes

Getting the opportunity to visit Angor Wat in Cambodia

The coolest thing I had the opportunity to do though.. was to retire in January of 2006

Since then, I spend a lot of time working on the garden beds at my house

I've started raising chickens

..and spend a lot of my time covered in dirt...

I'm now going to school full time at Evergreen, and still trying to decide what focus I want to work towards for my bachelors degree. I chose to take the Healing Gardens program Winter quarter 2007, because it seems to fall right in line with the goals of what I am trying to create on my own property.

My home website is:  www.sidhefire.com [1]

During my first week in the Healing Gardens program, I wrote the following Creation Mythology story:

Many years from now, the moon will have risen and set so many times, even the stars will have grown tired of watching. In those end days, Gaia will have grown old and weary. Her fields will all be dry and barren; years of toil and use will have taken all the growth and life away. Winds will blow hot and draining, circling the earth, with no water or mist to moisten the parched air. All of life will have vanished into nothing that holds even a memory.
In those distant days, when it will seem as though all hope is forever lost, a spark will start to shimmer at Gaia's heart. The stars wearily looking on will see an old-new familiarity. That spark will grow into a fire, burning away the aged and worn surface that covers our mother the earth. Rebirth and growth will spread like a new skin across her surface and all of life shall begin again. So it was and so it shall be again.

This short creation mythological story illustrates the cyclical nature of life. That all things come to an end, and then there is rebirth out of the ashes of the old dying life.


Sherry Kirk

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