Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)


I  just remembered


the way I decided

to enroll in this class was

a dream

that told me

that being here would be



bring a sense

of peace

to the chaos in my life...

creation story

Once upon a time there were four little fairies, and they all lived in a big beautiful hawthorn tree.  The four fairies were four different colors.  There was a blue fairy, a white fairy, a red fairy, and an orange fairy.  All day long they would dance and laugh and play and sing in the branches of the tree.  They drank the juice from the ripe red berries and nibbled on the green leaves.

The four fairies had four different jobs.  The red fairy guided the sun and moon and stars as they traveled through the sky and tended to the fires within the earth and rocks, whose job it was for the orange fairy to nurture.  The white fairy tended the winds which blew around and the blue fairy tended to the waters which surrounded the earth.  The four fairies interacted within their jobs everyday. 

One morning, after a night of fitful sleep that had all four of the fairies tossing and turning all through the night, as they woke in the morning they shared their dreams with one anoth

Rebecca L

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