Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)


The muddy and polluted shores of the Long Island Sound is where my parents made my home as a child. I spent my days surrounded by water. Shortly into my adolescence, I felt a need for risk and wound up at a boarding school in the opposite corner of Connecticut in which I was rasied. Here the smell of cow manure filled the air instead of New York City smog. Not settling there, I protested and myself finished highschool in West Virginia. There, I spent time staying out of trouble by walking through the rhody of the humid, ancient Appalachains. I lived back at home, worked for a year, moved to California and then came up here for school. I have been loving and living in the Northwest for 4 years now with frequent trips to the high plains of Idaho and western Montana in search of hot springs and "big medicine." The coast is where my heart lingers though. I enjoy music, swimming, chemistry, and high mountain air.

 Erin [0]

Erin Dowling

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