Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Week 3 Project Log

Partner: Rebecca Leach

Dates: Jan 23 (1 hr) , Jan 24 (2.25 hr) =

Activities: Read site presentations on Healing Gardens website.  Walked around garden on Janary 24th, alone and with Rebecca and Zach, her child. We identified all existing and visible plants, and shared our respective plant knowledge. We brainstormed possible activities that we could do in the garden this winter: 1-Research Wapato and its habitat, and fireweed? 2- Pruning  and transplanting 3- potential planting of the stream bed on the long house slope of the stream bank to provide shelter for the LH and the surrounding area. This would provide a barrier between main campus and the LH area, and provide a shelter for students and teachers and visitors attending events at the LH. 4- Remove/transplant rose to other uninhabitated areas 5-enhance trails in the area to be more inviting to visitors

Additionally, we walked to Maria's office to try to review existing materials on the open streambank: documentary made by student, designs for Gifts garden, and area notebook. Maria was not in her office so we hope to get a hold of those items and review them soon.

Learning Gained: There are two different species of rose in the open streambank, Rosa Nutkana and Rosa gymnocarpa. The pines planted in the riparian hillside area are incorrectly identified as Ponderosa Pine, however they are not PP, perhaps lodgepole or shore pine (from my identification. Sedges and rushes are both present in the streambank area, and roses are thriving and reproducing well. Kinnicick is not faring well in its location, and is almost dead.

Total time spent for the week: 3.25 hrs.

Kelli Sanger

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