Published on Healing Gardens (http://www2.evergreen.edu/healinggardens)

Weekly reflection #2

1. My identity inside the relationship between cultural systems and natural systems is one of trying to actually be a part of the natural system and bring that feeling to the others in my cultural system. My culture takes its cues from non natural things, television, box stores, magazines etc. I take my cues from plants, the earth, the cycles of the moon, stars, and sun. Inside of that larger culture, I am staying happy connecting to the natural system and trying to bring it to others in our culture as they are ready for it.


2. Dandelion

Berberis nervosa

Vaccinium parvifolium

Holodiscus discolor

Ribes sanguinium

Mock orange

Service berry Amelanchier alnifolia



Bitter cherry

Indian Plum (Omelaria cerasiformis)


Hazelnut (Corylus cornuta)

Wild roses (Rosa gymnocarpa, Rosa nutkana)

Wild Ginger

Skunk cabbage

Bleeding heart


3. A couple new ideas that I learned about this week that I would like to incorporate into the open streambank are: the use and cultivation of wapato as a food crop, and the cultivation and harvesting of native plants for food, medicine and material use inside of a naturalized “wild” landscape, one that is managed and cultivated but not “domesticated.”


Kelli Sanger

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