getting to know lil open streamie

21 Jan/ 5-730pm/ 2.5 hrs: walked around site, looked smelled listened waited journaled.  Then looked at web pages from last quarter and handouts connected to Open Streambank(primary), Compost, and Sayuyay Sister Garden(both secondary).Learning gained:  starting to feel the garden area more, particularly the open streambank site.  Got an idea of the overview of what’s been happening with my primary and 2 secondary sites from last quarter and in past years.Total hours 2.5 24 jan/ 2-330pm/ 1.5 hrs:  met with kelli at openstreambank site, shared what we had learned about the site so far.  Went to Marja’s office to see if we could find notebooks etc (no one there).  Talked about possible work at site for winter season.Learning gained:  kelli pointed out that there are 2 species of rose present in the open streambank site.Total hours 4 25 jan/ 1030-1130am/ 1 hr:  project log on computer.Total hours 5 30 jan/ 930-10am/ .5 hr:  materials list for site.Learning gained:  Materials that exist for the open streambank siteThe ‘site notebook’-  called Area 3: Wetlands.  From May 2000.  this is a big notebook of student work from past years.  The most useful parts seem to be the plants-present lists and potential-plants lists, although they need to be updated.  Total hours 5.5 19 feb/ 10-1pm/ 3 hrs:  at Longhouse Garden, in the rain.  Drew elder, Oregon ash, and willow.  Sat still in the rain.  Looking listening watching.  Little birds swooped close to me.  listed plants in open streambank site, noting which have signs.  I noticed plants I hadn’t seen before, and then compared to the list in the site notebook.  Learning gained:  many plants in notebook don’t seem to be there now- of course it’s winter so it’s hard to really know.  Became more familiar with elder, Oregon ash, and willow winter twigs and buds.  Noticed some kinnikinnick alive under Oregon grape.Total hours 8.5 21 feb/ 1030-1130pm/ 1 hr:  reading notebook after classLearning gained:  plant lists seem outdated from 2000 in notebook.Total hours 9.5 23 feb/ 9-10pm/ 1 hr:  online research for habitat information. Lots of wetlands info, kidneys comparison.  Learning gained:  I need to search differently.  I didn’t really find anything specific.Total hours 10.5 25 feb/ 530pm/ 30 min:  went over information and notebook and listed my questions and goals for site workLearning gained:  decided to focus on helping to make it efficient for people who are ready to move forward with work at the site, such as a current plant list and possible species to add.Total hours 11 26 feb/ 3-6pm/ 3 hrs:  with Alana.  Discussed and combined information and plans and looked at the site, the notebook and the computer screen.  Learning gained:  learned what Donna and Alana have been doing this quarter and last.  Figured out focus for site work.  Got a clearer idea of the habitat that the site is representing.Total hours 14 3 march/ 1130-230/ 3 hrs:  McLane creek.  Comparing the place to the site at the Longhouse Garden.Learning gained:  many of the same plants at the site as at McLane creek.  Total hours 17 3 mar/ 730-830pm/ 1 hr:  computer log hoursTotal 18 4 mar/ 10-4pm/ 6 hrs:  worked with Alana and Donna on signage text and presentation.Total hours 24 8 mar/ 930-1pm/ 3.5 hrs:  research for signage text- cultural information- online and at TESC library.Learning gained:  I was not finding much online, but at the library there is a huge section of really interesting amazing books, some of them really oldTotal hours 27 9 mar/ 430-730pm/ 3 hrs:  worked on presentation with Donna and Alana, then on sign text.Total hours 30  

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