project log #2

DATE: January 23, 2007 TIME LOG: 4 hours


This week i have gotten to know the garden a little better by going and getting dirty in it. I spent about 3 hours total between monday and tuesday at the space. I spent about half of the time weeding and de-sodding the area in preparation for the pipsissewa we plan on gathering this saturday. The rest of the time was spent journaling and continuing to try to decipher which plants are supposed to be growing in my area and which are not. In addition to this, i have continued my research on mushroom cultivation with the intention of attempting to introduce pearl oyster mushrooms to the habitat. I have begun to compile lists of what will be needed, an where they can be acquired. the list includes empty spawn bags (, spores (, growing chamber, fruiting chamber, vermiculite, rye grain, straw, horse manure, coco coir, pressure cooker, wooden dowels, among a few other things (all of these other things can be acquired at target or a garden supply store). In the next week i will try to get all of these things together and place my spores on order.

Lorn Brace-Wessel
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