Reflection 3

Where is my garden? What is a definition of a garden? For some it was row crops that are tilled and mono-cropped, made up of brassica and tobacco. For others it was most every plant, animal and fungi that they enlisted as their allies.
My definition of a garden was something with a fence around it, high enough for the deer to be kept out. It was to be a sanctuary of goodness, cultivated with the ones I loved most, and plants and animals that fulfill my nutritional needs. Everything outside that fence was “wild crafting” and to be left up to wandering souls to make tinctures, art and bouquets.
I have redefined my garden, which is in line more with my spiritual senses: everywhere is my garden and I am part of that garden as well. My well-being comes form this garden. My body is nourished and grows strong. My soul can be connected with the garden. My mind is eased, comforted, and repaired by this garden. My body, my soul and my mind are all contained within one being: Jay. The mind give me my thoughts which tell my body to produce chemicals to either pick up my heart rate or slow it down, to react positively or negatively, or to sleep. My soul is either fulfilled or left empty by my actions that are, indeed, chosen at will.
I must be properly hydrated for water is second only to air for the bases of life. Air is needed on a continual basis, water is also needed but one can survive nearly one week without it. But for proper mind, blood flow, digest and excretion, water is the element that makes these things possible. For me when I don’t drink enough water, I notice my joints start to ache, my thoughts are negative, and I have difficulty breathing and excreting. The toxin load builds I can’t even remember how I have become this way. Until I have a cup of water- the life giving essence of water.
Water is most of our weight- over 70% I hear. I have also I come to understand that our emotional state can influence that structure of water- how it molecules stack and interact with one another. Water is most of us, thus our internal thoughts and outward actions and reactions can influence the physical make up of our blood. As proteins fold, they need to be a particular shape or they do not do the all-important job protein are created for. Letting our emotional state run away allows for a premature aging, disease and loneliness- all of which bring on more problems, inevitably continuing the “downward spiral”. I think the best medicine is a good out look that is reasonable. I want to remember these very comments I write.
I must remember my garden is all around me and I am part of that beautiful garden- one that is feed and made whole by the water that the earth and sky deliver- able to grow and give wonderful meaning to myself and all other beings in the Garden.

Jay Carmony
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