I'd really like to reflect on my most recent experience with western medicine practices.

I recently had my wisdom teeth removed. I had to take an antibiotic a day before the surgery and then for a week or so after to PREVENT infection. Because I am allergic to many abx families, I was prescribed Clindamycin, which is a particularly strong abx.

The surgery was fine, although I did not enjoy the narcotic daze of the pain killers. I was worried about taking such a huge dose of Ibuprofen as well, but took them for a few days because the pain was pretty awful.
Two days after the surgery I began experiencing diarrhea, the worst I have ever felt. I had extreme abdominal cramping and was waking up in the middle of the night several times. I have never felt so terrible. It was over the weekend and so I had to talk to a dentist other than the one who performed the surg.  He said to stop taking the abx.  I stopped taking all of the medicine. When I asked him if drinking Kombucha would be okay, or eating yogurt, to replenish the bacteria in my intestines that this abx had obviously killed, he said I could "do whatever I wanted" in a condescending tone. I wanted to know if it would be important to replenish the bacteria, but he wouldn't tell me. I got really nervous about this, but started drinking more Kombucha (I had stopped after the surgery) and eating lots of yogurt, but did not get any better.
I went to the dentist and he said I may have C-Diff, which I think I may have picked up working in a Hospital in Boston where many of the elderly patients were positive. He didn't do a stool test though, to be sure, and instead, prescribed me ANOTHER med to get rid of the c-diff (Flagyl). I was really nervous now, and called to talk with my stepmother who is a nurse. She said it was very odd for a DENTIST to presecribe a med for the intestinal tract without having even tested to make sure it was necessary. I didnt take it. Instead, I went to see a nurse practicioner, but was turned down by the clinic because my insurance didnt cover the last visit.
A whole string of frustrating phone conversations took place after this, but to no avail. My Massachusetts provider does not cover any WA clinics. When I told the person at the clinic that I just wanted to ask a question about the medicine they said no.  I was so distraught. I ended up taking one of the Flagyl; out of desperation, but focusing more on eating rice, banana, nutmeg, apple, yogurt, and kombucha.

I eventually felt better, though I cenrtainly realized the ridiculousness of it all. I felt like none of the people who are in high positions in the "interest" of my health care even cared about my situation. When I told the dentist that I had stopped taking the pain killers and was using clove oil instead he made a remark like I was crazy. !!!  It is so frustrating that the word CARE has been so manipulated by western society. I didn't feel care from any of the healthCARE professionals (other than my step mother of course, and of course she was the only one NOT getting paid for her advice). I felt offended by the dentists who basically scoffed at my practices of caring for myself. I just think that western healthcare is the biggest problem with life right now, on so many levels. After working in nursing homes, hospitals, and as a private caregiver, I feel like "THE SYSTEM" is real and that it is meant to "keep the people down." I hate that insurance companies won't cover holistic and alternative healing methods, and that the FDA has to decide whether herbs are useful or not. I am learning so much about the amazing qualities of plant medicine and of being in control of one's health that it is EXTRA frustrating to be dealing with this right now.
I know there is so much being said to me right now in this experience.
Sometimes I really want to get a nursing degree. Nurses are the only good thing about western medicine. The only true spirit in the whole mess. I want to change this system. 

Meghan McNealy
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