Reflections Week 6

People garden for looks, to lessen stress, for medicine, for food, for health, for money, and for enjoyment (hobby).  These reasons not only lead to different gardens, but also different purposes.  My manager, Deb, gardens as a hobby and to relieve stress.  Her garden is a garden for looks.  She knows not, nor cares to know what the plants in her garden are useful for, but that they look nice and make her happy.  She is feeding her mind and spirit with her garden.  My friend, Katrina, gardens for food.  She has a funky little gated food and medicine garden.  She and her partner moved to Harstine Island to find a simpler life and live off of their land.  They moved from another state and from the super busy lives of trying to keep up with the very high cost of living there.  I admire what they have done.  The feed their minds, bodies, and spirits with gardening.  I think their garden is beautiful compared to Deb’s, because of its un-manicured naturalness. 

Tracy Wilson
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