sayuyay garden (winter 2007)

sayuyay garden (winter 2007)

Alix, Anna, Meg, Adam and i all went out to the sayuyay garden site last week and found ourselves in the mist of a great exhale. the winter season is in full affect. many of the pants are sleeping off a long year and gathering energy for the seasons to come. i hope they all don't mind me saying we all were pleased to be there, working with the plants and enjoying the magical yet quiet space. we pulled up a few alders which, though beautiful and appreciated, had to be removed. i believe in one way or another, deep within ourselves, we all found a small piece of renewal and reclamation in the short time we were there. hope you like the pics!


Submitted by ciara wolfe on Tue, 2007-01-30 01:05. categories [ ] preview | printer friendly version