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Shady Seasonal CreekSite Map The shady seasonal creek is located on the left hand side of the sidewalk leading to the Longhouse entrance. Turning left onto the trail one would notice that there is a slight dip in elevation, however no overall elevation loss or gain. The bottom perimeter [along the sidewalk] is the area with the densest vegetation, including Western Coltsfoot, Touch Me Not, Nootka Rose, Sword Ferns, Salmon Berry, possible Blackberry and Rushes. Sword ferns line the entire right hand side of the site. The left hand perimeter is marked by the trail, as well as large patches of salal. The rest of the site is fairly open, with a variety of plants scattered about, such as Coltsfoot, Skunk Cabbage, Elderberry, Pacific Willow, Alder, moss, Bracken ferns, Horsetail, and a few unidentified plants. As seen on the map the trail seems to die out towards the center of the site and recovers on the opposite side of the stream bank. What is not shown on the map is the number of large rocks near the outside edges of the site.
Ingrid Abbott and Katelyn DeCecco
categories [ Habitat/Theme | Wetlands ]
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