2. Site Description

The site is long narrow space, roughly 121’ long by 26’ wide. The topography is fairly uneven. The hillside has a 40% grade towards the creek bed. The majority of it is open. Abstractly, the space is two narrow interloping ovals. A small seasonal creek runs from the woods adjacent from the west side of the longhouse, through a open field, then into a riparian hillside where it goes under a overpass and drains into a mixed forest community. It is roughly 121’ long by 1’ wide. The two hillsides that come out from the stream bank have various grasses and asters as well as horsetail. A very young solitary fir is growing on the hillside nearest to the longhouse. Cattail and sedges make up the actual creek bed, which did not receive water until after it had rained for many days. The site becomes woodier as it turns into the riparian hillside.  There has been evidence of deer across from the sight where the creek comes out from the wood, as well as daddy long legs, various insects, birds, as well as evidence of moles.

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