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Mixed Forest A: Site overviewHealing GardensMarja Eloheimo Fall 2006 Longhouse Garden Site Description GuideArea Name: Mixed Forest A & B Habitat Type(s) Represented: Forest Understory Student Names: Suzanne Robinson & Megan Fuller Date Completed: _________________I. Overview (This consists of a qualitative narrative description of your observations.) Divided almost in half by a woodchip trail, most of mixed forest A lies on flat land, which
II. Describing the Garden Site 1. Map & Size (draw a map; measure sides; calculate approximate area) (Refer to Attachment below) 2. Shape (use descriptive words such as oval, long & narrow, etc.): Mixed forest A is nearly triangular with rounded corners. There is a dirt trail through the area that is U shaped, and cuts the area into an oval merging with a circle. 3. Topography (use appropriate adjectives such as flat, uneven, undulating, etc.): Mixed forest A is slightly sloping downward from the street, or upward from the Longhouse building. Compared with the surrounding areas, it is relatively flat and easy to navigate. 4. Slope(s) (estimate the percentage away from level) and Orientation(NSEW): 5. Exposure (estimate how many hours per day you think the area gets sun): Mixed forest A receives most of the sunlight through the tree canopy of the fir trees and large maple trees. As the area nears the bottom of it’s slight hill, there is less canopy for the sunlight to compete with, so that area has more variety of plants and lush ground.
7. Water Features (if any: type, width, length, depth, velocity, seasonality): Mixed forest A has no significant water features (other than the couple of sprinklers installed) 8. Principal Plant Species present:
9. Evidence of animal activity (nests, tracks, burrow, insects, foraging, etc): 10. Your feelings about the site. Include why you have chosen this place for your garden. III. Your Feelings About the Site (Include what calls you to this area.)
Megan Fuller, Suzanne Robinson
categories [ Forest Understory | Site Introduction ]
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