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The life of Allie Denzler
Creation “story” So, I suppose I believe that the Big Bang and all that business created the galaxy and the Earth, and then some cells started splitting and so on, until some legged creature emerged from the ocean. Or cell evolution could have happened on land, or both. Growing up, I was never taught or told stories of Earth and its inhabitant’s origins, so I molded my belief of its beginning from evolutionary theory and the opening credits of “The Land Before Time.” Recently though, I have been entertaining the possibility of some external force placing a bit of intimately cooperative energy on some barren planet and giving it a purpose, to live life. In both of these views, I feel that every living thing is here by chance. Humans are children of the Earth, for she supplies (or used to supply) everything they need to survive. As a human myself, I try to leave a light footprint on my mother Earth, because I don’t want to give her bruises. Ideally, I would like to give back to the Earth equally what I take from it. If I think of the Earth as my body, then it’s easy for me to see how I should treat it. I do my best to avoid subjecting my body to harmful substances and treatments, and I think the Earth deserves the same.
Allie Denzler
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