Weekly Log



DATE: Sunday, April 8, 2007

TIME: 10:00-12:30

ACTIVITIES: Adam, Meg, Anna and I went up to sayuyay. I cleared the woodland paths, but I spent a lot of time walking through the gardens and sending it my love and gratitude, saying hello and welcoming it (and myself and our relationship) into spring.

LEARNING: I have walked with sayuyay through four seasons (nine months) and it is remarkable how many changes I notice every time I visit. It is starting to unfold into spring. I was nervous, before, that the indigo wouldn't grow back because it had been cut back so much in the fall, but small green tendrils were unfolding. What else is unfolding right now? What else is going to change my commonsense notions of what plants ought to do?



DATE: Tuesday, April 17, 2007

TIME: 11-4

ACTIVITIES: Clearing the paths by the pond. 

LEARNING: The monochromatic landscape of winter in the pacific northwest allows for reflection and contemplation, for "letting go", I think because of the very way it looks, it is simple, there isn't much to look around for. I love winter but I am ready for spring. I am ready to see people smiling and moving again the way the plants are right now, for remembering how much fun and joy there is outside.



DATE: Tuesday, April 24, 2007

TIME: 1-4


LEARNING: So much has changed (grown) between last week and this week. I spent a long time thinking about plants as being in stasis, never growing and changing. But, even though the plants have been changing, they have been releasing their leaves and holding their place. Now, the plants are EXPLODING! EVERYWHERE! So much is happening, there is so much to take in.



Saturday, April 28, 2007

TIME: 6-7:30

ACTIVITIES: I stopped at sayuyay briefly after the procession of the species. I did a little bit of weeding, but I spent most of my time sitting with lemon balm and raspberry. 

LEARNING: I love the sensation of holding stacks of lemon balm leaves in between my palms and then moving them back and forth. The texture reminds me of holding so many pieces of thin paper in my hands.




DATE: Saturday May 12, 2007

TIME: 10-1


LEARNING: Adam and I spent some time at sayuyay before everyone else came up. It was nice to go up with Adam again, because I have been going to sayuyay alone most of this quarter. I really felt good about everyone being at sayuyay. When we first went up, winter quarter, it seemed like everyone was overwhelmed with what to do and how each person could help. It felt like everyone really had a sense of belonging or understanding of what to do- and so much was accomplished and cleared away!



DATE: Friday, May 18, 2007

TIME: 11:00-4:00

ACTIVITIES: Lizzy, Derek, Allison and I went up to sayuyay today. We all worked on weeding the paths and beds; Derek and Allison left midway to procure some plants. I also harvested some.

LEARNING: Derek and I pulled out some valerian and when he smelled it for the first time he noticed a sort of sage-like, spicy (yet cool?) undertone to the dirty-socks smell valerian is famous for. He was right! I smelled that other smell for the first time. And, after that, when I smelled tansy and lavender and solomon's seal I started noticing other scents that I haven't noticed before. Am I smelling through a new nose? It feels like it. Is it Derek's nose?!?!?!

I was really drawn to the tansy so I harvested some leaves to see what I could make of it.



DATE: Sunday, May 27, 2007

TIME: 1-4

ACTIVITIES: Megan + I vs the weeds!!!

LEARNING: Sunday's always feel so funny and gloomy so it was good to be in a place filled with beauty and intention and kindness. I harvested some coastal mugwort. The leaves on mugwort come off (for me) easily. The sensation of pulling it off- the release of tension- feels so good.



DATE: Thursday, May 31, 2007

TIME: 8-12

ACTIVITIES: Adam and I, weeding.

LEARNING: Lots of quiet time, presence, being with the garden.



DATE: Friday, June 1, 2007

TIME: 8-11:30, 6-10

ACTIVITIES: Adam and I went up to sayuyay this morning and did a lot of weeding (path clearing). This evening I worked on the class presentation.

LEARNING: I've spent the last two days reflecting on why gardening at sayuyay matters to me and what I have learned from working there all year long. sayuyay has reopened the curiosity and intimacy I used to have with place in my childhood. I realize that I haven't felt a sense of home (permanence) in any of the homes I have lived in during the last few years, but I do feel that permanence at sayuyay- even though it is constantly changing throughout the seasons (and rapidly week to week right now).



DATE: Sunday, June 3, 2007

TIME: 1-4:30

ACTIVITIES: Derek and I cleared the pathways between the berry bed and forest.

LEARNING: This might be my last visit of the year because I am going back to Victoria for the summer. What seems most important to me (and which has seemed most important to me this quarter) is making sure that the pathways are open. I remember when I first went to sayuyay last July I couldn't tell where any of the paths were- where most things began or ended. I hope that showing that the garden is intentional and cared for will make sayuyay more available and important to others.







DATE: Wednesday January 24

TIME: 8:00-2:00

ACTIVITIES: Anna, Meg, Ciara, Adam and I drove to Skokomish to visit with the site for the first time in over a month. It looks so different (bare) than when I first went in the summer. It's exciting, though, because it doesn't feel as overwhelming as it has in the past (even with damage from the stormy weather). It's a lot easier to see borders/beds. We harvested the red alder that had sprung up in the sweetgrass and berry beds. We had been putting it off since last quarter because it felt weird to pull up an entire tree/plant (we've harvested little bits, but not an entire) but, the alders don't belong in those beds! The five of us created a circle around the alders in the sweetgrass beds and let them know our intentions and thanks for letting us harvest. Afterward, the girls and I went to Anna's and peeled the bark off the trees (with knives). Ciara decided to try to make crowns/wreaths out of the smaller alder branches.

LEARNING: First off, Anna's magic with a knife! This was the best experience I have ever ever had in this class. All of the work felt intentional/good and everyone was emitting positive energy. This is my first experience harvesting a tree. We learned how much bark we could use of the alder. Kimberly told me a recipe for red alder salve. Apparently, it's good for body acne (bacne?).



DATE: Saturday January 27

TIME: 1:00-3:00

ACTIVITIES: Ciara, Adam, Anna and I sat at the sayuyay sister garden site. There was a ceremony at the Longhouse (and I think one of the songs that was played was in the subiyay Bruce Miller documentary. There is harmonious energy between the four of us, it feels like we will accomplish a lot this quarter.

LEARNING: Winter twig identification. I sometimes neglect the sister garden site because there isn't a garden there yet. It was good to go back and say hello and remember how special the site is and how great it would be to get the grading started and beds made.



DATE: Sunday, February 4

TIME: 10:00-2:00

ACTIVITIES: Ciara, Adam, Anna and I joined business with pleasure. We made breakfast and they helped me move (thanks, guys!) but we also talked about how we feel about the garden, our intentions, hopes, desires and problems.

LEARNING: I have a better understanding of everyone's goals and hopes (which is especially important because Ciara is new and Adam is semi-new). Also, FRIENDSHIP! Thanks for helping me move, guy and gals (and, no I didn't log moving as project time).



DATE: Sunday, February 18

TIME: 9:00-2:00

ACTIVITIES: Anna, Ciara, Adam, Rafael and I drove up to Skokomish and cleared the paths around the wetlands, sweetgrass and berry beds. We also cleared out a bunch of horsetail that was taking over the sweetgrass bed (but it feels like it's just the beginning) and cleared fallen branches off of the paths.

LEARNING: This was the first time I have seen horsetail in bloom! It really looks like a space plant (like, from planet Mars, or the dwarf-planet Pluto. I am trying to imagine what it would feel like to come across a forest of horsetail. Does it grow to be much bigger than the size we see around?



DATE: Wednesday, February 21

TIME: 7:00-8:00

ACTIVITIES: Ciara, Adam, Anna and I gathered and talked about our potential project and also some serious issues such as: what are we going to do about the fallen kiosk sign? Where will we get cedar? Where will we get the cedar milled?

LEARNING: We've come up with some good leads on cedar, now it just comes down to finding someone to mill it. My dad mentioned that he knows a guy with a portable saw mill who operates between Portland and Seattle. Now, we just need to find him and see if he'd be willing to donate his time. We're really hesitant to ruin the effect of the kiosk by burying it in the ground or cutting it down, but the props from the back just don't look good either.



DATE: Thursday, February 22

TIMES: 9:00-12:00

ACTIVITIES: Anna and Ciara came over to my house and we talked about the work we've done so far and how we will be able to share our work with the class in a way is open and inviting (after all, we are just parts of the huge story of sayuyay).

LEARNING: We all contributed ideas to how we can honour sayuyay and the class in a way that feels so good for all of us. Hopefully Adam will agree!



DATE: Thursday, March 8

TIMES: 8:30-11:30

ACTIVITIES: Ciara, Anna, Adam and I worked on our super secret presentation for sayuyay sister garden. Talked about breaking ground on Saturday.

LEARNING: We have created a group presentation from everyone's input that comes straight from the heart. I am so excited about sharing our experience with the rest of the class.



DATE: Saturday, March 10

TIME: 8:00-9:30

ACTIVITIES: Adam, Anna, Ciara and I gathered cedar branches from a fallen (cut down?) tree by the west side co-op. We then laid out the cedar boughs at the sister site for our presentation.

LEARNING: I've been thinking a lot about the way in which we will "get rid of" everything when really, there is no "away" that things go to. I was so glad Anna knew that the cedar tree was at the lot and that we were able to use parts of it in a way that was meaningful for us. I hope the rest of the tree is used meaningfully, as well. Also, Adam's knowledge of cedar trees comes up every time we're around one. I will never have a boggy uterus again!



DATE: Sunday, March 11

TIME: 12:30-2:30

ACTIVITIES: The group gathered at Ciara's to decide on how we were going to finish presenting sayuyay and whom was going to do what. We began to compose our presentation.

LEARNING: Ciara is a genius with powerpoint and she has been taking sneaky pictures all quarter. Everyone knows what they are doing and we are excited to finish our presentation.



DATE: Tuesday, March 13

TIME: 12-5

ACTIVITIES: I went up to sayuyay to take some photographs of where the garden is NOW. I spent time reflecting on my relationship with sayuay and the people who I had the pleasure of working with and I said goodbye (at least for a couple of weeks) to the site. I finished our site introduction and uploaded the photographs onto my computer and a disk.

LEARNING: I've never been to sayuyay on my own. I am so thankful that I was able to work in a place, with so many people I care for, that I was drawn to and that has given me so much healing.



DATE: Wednesday, March 14

TIME: 3:00-5:30

ACTIVITIES: Ciara, Anna and I met up before class to run through and put the final touches on our presentation.




FALL 2006


DATE: Monday October 9

TIME: 1:30-4:30

ACTIVITIES: Drove to Gifts Garden with sayuyay sister garden group. We became acquainted with layout of beds and plants in each of the beds. We each chose beds/body systems we wanted to focus on, discussed what we would like to do and reflected on the garden and paths we would want to take.

LEARNING: Have a knowledge of plants I am going to study, what the Gifts garden looks like and an idea of how it could be incorporated into our vision of the medicinal gardens.



DATE: Wednesday October 11

TIME: 4-5:15

ACTIVITIES: Met with Anna at Longhouse site and measured/completed site description.

LEARNING: I have a good idea of how much sun exposure on the site and know about some of the animals in the area (moles)!



DATE: Wednesday October 18

TIME: 9-10

ACTIVITIES: Gathered with sayuyay sister group and discussed questions we have about our site and its history.

LEARNING: We each shared some knowledge we gained while at Skokomish with the class. Adam mentioned that the alignment of the beds at Skokomish is NE because Bruce told him that in his culture, North means where the river is. We'd all definitely love to get in touch with Adam again.



DATE: Thursday October 19

TIME: 1-3

ACTIVITIES: Met with Anna and Sharon and shared our interests in the project/plans for sayuyay sister garden. I'd like to learn more about places we could find wood for the raised beds and also learn more about medieval/European medicinal garden beds

LEARNING: We talked about different cultural traditions we are aware of regarding medicinal beds. I learned some of Anna and Sharon's wonderings and hopes about the garden site.



DATE: Sunday October 22

TIME: 11-3

ACTIVITIES: Cleared paths with Adam in Gifts Garden. Harvested Yellowdock. Discussed our feelings about the garden and how we felt about clearing the garden paths.

LEARNING: Identified yellowdock and burdock. I realized how much more empowering it was to work in a small group in the garden rather than the whole class. I felt a personal/emotional connection.



DATTE: Tuesday October 24

TIME: 12-12:30

ACTIVITIES: Visited the Medieval herb garden at the Farm.

LEARNING: I learned about one possible layout of medieval herb gardens, and also some of the herbs/flowers that would be in the beds.



DATE: Monday October 30

TIME: 8-12

ACTIVITIES: Cleared pathways around the North medicinal beds with Adam. We still haven't pulled up the alders! I'd hate to without being able to DO something with them (transplanting? or Adam suggested making a tea/tincture).

LEARNING: Alder bark can be used in medicine! It's still possible to garden when it's frosty (although it's a lot colder!)



DATE: Tuesday November 1

TIME: 4-7

ACTIVITIES: Did in school research about Echinacea.

LEARNING: First Nations names of Echinacea, curative properties, constituents, Western history and homeopathic uses.



DATE: Friday November 17

TIME: 11:30-1:30

ACTIVITIES: Megan (Fuller) and I spent time digging up trailing blackberry (there are times when it shouldn't be in the sites!), thistle and other weeds at Muladhara Gardens.

LEARNING: Identified trailing wild blackberry vs. raspberry vines. Discovered that when Megan and I were at opposite ends of the garden, digging up blackberry roots, it would often end up being the same plant...those rhizomes? are tricky...



DATE: Friday November 17

TIME: 7-9:30

ACTIVITIES: Got together with group to watch movies: one was traditional storytelling by Vi Hilbert, the other was a documentary about indigenous peoples in British Columbia.

LEARNING: We learned the legend of Starchild and some traditions of Haida and other indigenous people in British Columbia.



DATE: Monday November 20

TIME: 11-1

ACTIVITIES: Plant research in library.

LEARNING: Latin names, family, indigenous to where, and body system affiliations.



DATE: Tuesday November 21

TIME: 1-5

ACTIVITIES: Plant research in library.

LEARNING: Latin names, family, indigenous to where, and body system affiliations.



DATE: Tuesday November 28

TIME: 7-10

ACTIVITIES: Plant research with resources at home.

LEARNING: Latin names, family, indigenous to where, and body system affiliations.



DATE: Friday December 1

TIME: 4-7

ACTIVITIES: Preparation for group presentation, buying materials for presentation.

LEARNING: How to post pages on Drupal, plant materials used for teas.



Alix Jopp
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