I notice how some people are happier than others.  I notice how people that garden - really garden- have more of a peace around them.  The seem less hectic and more adjusted than me.  Is it perhaps that since they are more in touch with the earth and plants that they are more grounded?  I want to be like that.  I want and need that peace.  A garden would be my place of meditation and nourishment, both mentally and physically. 

 I am liking our readings, but am having a hard time identifying with Fields That Dream.  I can't say why, just that I am not into it, even though it is an easy read.  I love The Earth's Blanket and think about it constantly.  I am learning so much from it and often tell the stories to my husband and friends.  I guess I just don't want to be in this time and don't feel connected to it at all.  I feel very deeply connected to the indigenous peoples and culture.  When I say deeply, I mean DEEP.  I long for it and I feel trapped.  I better stop now.

 A garden, whether it be in your back yard, or a forest you are harvesting from, should be close to you.  You should intimately know every plant there.  It should be a sanctuary.

Tracy Wilson
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