Who gardens?

Who gardens in this crazy world? Well anyone can try to grow anything but not all of them succeed in the same way. Some people seem to be naturals, but why is the question. It makes me think of Luther Burbank, who was a botanist and horticulturist who developed over 800 varieties of fruits, vegetables, and other plants. He had no real methodology in developing his plants and no one really understood how he did it. He would seemingly pull out some plants and nuture others at random. I think this reflects that true knowledge comes not from intellectual understanding but from intuition. There have been many studies that show that plants respond to the people around them's emotion. When love is projected at them they prosper in the same way. I think plants can absord energy that we cannot perceive that is produced by thought alone. I noticed something interesting in my own experience. In my meditation space at home, I always leave offerings of various fruit. The fruits that I leave there always stay ripe much longer than fruit from the same batch that is in my kitchen. I think this is because that in my meditation space my thoughts are on positive things, while in my kitchen they are more on mundane things. So I think that what defines a good gardener is a loving attitude, or at least a love for plants. Everyone I know who is plant-centric is very nuturing in general. I am of the belief that any energy or attitude can be developed, so I think if one has the will they can develop a "green thumb".

Nick Picciani
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