ARCHIVE - Kristine's blog en ARCHIVE - Hello Everybody <p>Well, I guess I&#39;ll tell you a little about myself.  I just transferred to Evergreen after receiving my AA.  I live in Seattle, WA (a few blocks from UW I might add) and work at the Woodland Park Zoo as the Membership and Annual Giving Coordinator full-time.  I&#39;m not looking forward to the commute down to Olympia each week, but I think it will be worth it.  I live with my wonderful partner, Christopher, and 2 gorgeous cats, Flora and Isis.  The picture of myself is from my sister&#39;s wedding, so it&#39;s not exactly an accurate depiction of me, but it&#39;s all I could find that would work. </p> <p> I&#39;m really looking forward to this class, which actually goes along nicely with my ILC in which I will study how memories are formed and in what ways they help (or hinder) individuals identify their sense of self, place and culture.  </p> <p>See you all next week.</p> <p> Kristine </p> Wed, 01 Oct 2008 22:17:20 -0700 Kristine 341 at