ARCHIVE - Jenifer's blog en ARCHIVE - Kids Act up if they don't nod off <p>This goes along with the sleep talk we have been discussing.  There is a great article in the News Tribune <a href=""></a></p> <blockquote><p>The Mary Bridge sleep clinic offers sleep studies for infants through teens. Children are referred to the clinic by their pediatrician or family doctor.</p> <p>Like adults, children can suffer from sleep apnea, in which soft tissue in the throat blocks airways during sleep and disrupts rest.</p> </blockquote> <p>As I read this artcile I also thought of other sleeping problems children and adults have and how this plays a part in their development and what are some ways that parents can help or find help. </p> <p>The article also mentions that a three year old should be getting is 12 hours.  I can not help but think of the children that are in our child care.  Some of them in are in care for 10 hours a day and by the time the parent picks them up at 6pm if they were to get 12 hours of sleep they would have to go to bed as soon as they get home.  Then where is the family time foe them?  I am not saying that I think sleep is not important but I am just curious if 12 hours is just a little too much time?  I value the time I get to spend with my daughter and in order for her to meet this need then we would not spend any time together during the week and that makes me sad.  I am just left to wonder where the nurture side to this nature affect comes into play?</p> <p>&#160;</p> Mon, 16 Oct 2006 17:26:33 -0700 Jenifer 187 at ARCHIVE - Born to Learn <p>In class we saw a picture of a baby that had electrodes on his head as a way of monitoring his brains responses.  It reminded me of an article that was in the News Tribune paper June 25, 2006.  </p> <blockquote><p>     &quot;Children are born learning, The most remarkable fact is not just that they&#39;re learning but that they engaged inactive hypothesis-testing.  There&#39;s a drive to understand that seems innate in human beings. &quot;  </p> </blockquote> <p align="left">The article was very fascinating and goes along with what we have been discussing.  It is worth trying to find.   I can not find the article online anymore.   I will have the article just in case someone is interested in reading it.  </p> Mon, 09 Oct 2006 19:42:08 -0700 Jenifer 146 at ARCHIVE - Lively Debate Surrounds Display of Bodies <p>After I read Patty&#39;s posting about the taste buds. I found this article in The News Tribune about the display of &quot;Bodies..The Expedition&quot; that is in Seattle through December. It was in the Soundlife Section of the Sunday October 1, 2006 Paper, I have not heard about it before. It is a exhibit of many preserved corpses that show the human muscular, skeletal, respiratory and nervous systems in great detail. At first sight of the photos I was taken aback but then as I read about it more I discovered it is actually something that can be very educational. What I am more surprised about is that this is a huge contraversial world wide exhibit. My thought is, isn&#39;t this what scientist have done for years as a way of learning about the human body. What a spectacular way for us to learn about the human body and its functions. What is so contraversial is &quot;Is it Science or show biz&quot;? Personally I think it would be a little wierd to see a skinless body that you are aware was a real person but I can not help but think of how much knowledge we can gain from this opportunity. I would encourage anyone who was interested in this to see News Tribune Website and check it out.</p> <p><a href="">Here</a> is the address for the website to the full story.</p> Mon, 02 Oct 2006 17:44:52 -0700 Jenifer 76 at ARCHIVE - I am a new at this as well <p>Just wanted to see if this is where I am supposed to be.  This is my first experience with blogs.  Last quarter is when I first heard of a blog.  I never thought I would ever use one.  Hopefully everything goes ok.</p> Thu, 28 Sep 2006 13:20:40 -0700 Jenifer 56 at