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WikisNoam Chomsky Mind Hacks
Being Human
Language Log
Brain & Behavior
Rachael's blogKids and communicationOk, so in chapter 5.2 they talk about inner speech..well this blog has nothing to do with that..but it did strike up a random thought... you know how some kids have thier 'own' language they share with siblings and that for real? I mean are kids capable of coming up with their own language and actually understand it? or are they just making weird obnoxious noises and saying its theirs? like twins i guess....they are so close they can feel each others emotions suposedly, and i was watching law and order:svu where a set of twins communicated in there own language.(law and order:svu probably isnt the best source for info but its a great show!) do kids just want to believe they understand their languages and go along with it, and make up what the other kid could be saying and goign off that? or is there actually some thing there? I mean my mom said that me and my brother had our own language and that is why i didnt talk till i was much older, because he did it for me, but, i think she is just crazy. so yeah, that is my question, can kids make up their own language while their imagination is still soo very active and growing, and then lose it when they hit a certian age? Hot stove means burn!I think someone already brought this up but why do people constently make the same bad mistakes over and over? Dont you think that you would learn the first time that if some action lands you in jail or kicked out on the street you wouldnt do it agian? i would use like drug addicts as an example but its not a really good one, because they go through rehab and all that and get straight but then that one hit of what ever and they are back at step one. but drug addicts are just that addicted to some thing..but where does addiction come from? is it like a serious brain(for lack of better word) defect? i know that some people are more likley to get addicted to certain things than others, but now that im off track, let me try to remember what i was thinking first of all. So if you touch a hot stove, and get burned...are you going to purposly do it again? I just cant grasp the idea that when people mess up, work so hard to get good, how they can go and mess it all up over their previous mistake..whats wrong with them? did they not get the 'hot stove means burn' theory? why do people give up so easily on themselves? why are people so self destructive? its hard to compile full thoughts while on my cellular device to a beligerant angery goodbye untill next random thought.. KidsSo i guess that it is normal for kids to turn out some what like their parents and all because they are the biggest influence to the kid from the start. I have this friend who has a child and this man is abusive to the mother and the child sees that on a regular basis and is now 2 1/2 and is showing signs of defiant 'bully' behavior. the kid is a male so that dominate bully gene probably is already there, but will it seem more normal as he grows up to treat woman like his dad? is he doomed to begin with? i know eventually we all develop a sense of right from wrong and a conscience like when the parents aren't the only influence...i mean the kid already says swear words! is that just bad parenting? he doesn't have the best role models...his dad is an alcoholic who is consistently in and out of jail and his mom works and constently taking back and forgiving his dad for beating will the kid adopt the idea that that is the way it works? I mean i know that not all kids end up like their parents...i came from living in the ghetto with a drug addictive mother and siblings and i grew up knowing that, but i saw what the drugs made them and decided that that life style wasnt for me..but this kid has some serious violent it just a stage that all little boys go through and will grow out of? or is it programed in his little mind that its ok to act the way he does and how his parents do? its like 330 in the AM and i was just kind of thinking and rambling. it was all triggered because i'm with his dad and he was telling me all the things that his kid does. and i have always wondered what his son will turn out to be like since i have known him since birth and am very aware of the at home situation. i dunno i guess if i just think about it hard enough i would find this silly and could come up with some rational explanation, but, i'm tired...... New at all thisSo some people in the class are much more advanced and educated in this area and may know the bare with me Im fresh out of high school and feel very intelectually inferior to the rest of you guys in the class!<--thats why i dont talk in class! So my sister works in a group home type thing and she works with, for lack of a better word, the crazies(which is her teminology) And one of her clients who stays there admitted his self there, but says there is nothing wrong with him...but he is kind of in this fantasy world where he thinks that the pop star Beyonce is harrasing him and cheated on him with the president and Jay-Z... and he calling the police on her all the time to get her away from him. He even 'brought' her in to my sisters office to have my sister talk to her to tell her to leave him alone. he even wants a restraining order! for one i dont see how you can effectivly deal with some one like that. But he says that he is fine and not crazy and he wants to go out and get a job and have a wife and kids, but he is blaming Beyonce for holding him back. What my real question is what makes people think like that? What has happened in his brain that sets off these episodes? I want to ask my sister if he has been like that his whole life. Is it possible for people to just have a severe break down that effects them for the rest of there life? What makes people go crazy? Did something go wrong in his development..or what? Just thinking about malesSo I was just thinking the other day and I was wondering why males are the dominant sex...They are basically in every species right? I mean humans this is pretty much a man run world...the majority of all the extreamly rich people are men. And all the pro sports are mens sports..even if there is a womans version of it, its not as highly publicized or made a big deal about. Also i was watching TV and there was a commercial for a show that this man has three wives, and the wives are ok with that, which reminded me about gorillas, how there is one dominate male that runs the group and fathers a majority of the children. If the roles were reversed, and it was a show about a woman having more than one husband, than I think plenty more people will have a problem with that. It seems more acceptable for men to have other misstresses and for the main woman to be ok with that. But when a woman has more than one lover she is considered a not so nice word. What makes it that males have those types of advantages over women? Sure some would say that God created Adam first and Eve as his partner..but is that really what happened..its all he said she said..and could it be possible that it was the other way around? Why have most women adopted the submissive role when it comes to many things? I dont know, I was just thinking. ![]() |